Publicación: Solteras : propuesta de diseño escenográfico
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] A medida que la industria cinematográfica de la República Dominicana crece día a día, necesitamos personal capacitado, educado y apto para producir películas dominicanas de alta calidad tanto en el país como en el extranjero. Cuando se trata de cine, es el primer elemento de contacto con el público en general y debe satisfacer las necesidades del público en general, por lo que es necesario tener en cuenta la dirección artística y la importancia del espacio escenográfico en el que se desarrolla, ya que es el primer factor que entra en contacto con los espectadores, y esta debe de cumplir con las demandas visuales y del contexto en la que la historia se desenvuelve donde el objetivo es que el público a quien está dirigido logra entender una historia sin necesidad de ser explicada; esto se debe a la composición espacial que puede ser lograda por el Departamento de Arte mediante el uso de materiales, colores, mobiliario, iluminación y otros factores que influyen positivamente en la percepción de un espacio escenográfico. Este proyecto final tiene como meta llevar a cabo una propuesta de diseño esencialmente escenográfica abarcando otros temas relacionados a la dirección de arte y diseño de producción para este proyecto cinematográfico, una comedia romántica adaptada a la cultura dominicana, apta para todo público, que gracias a su guion con su historia realista pero a la vez divertida inspirada en el guion mexicano “Soltera”, sirvió como punto de partida para iniciar el proceso creativo, teniendo como resultado una propuesta de sets y producción capaz de mostrar esta historia llevándola a la realidad.
[English] As the film industry in the Dominican Republic grows day by day, we need trained, educated and capable personnel to produce high quality Dominican films both at home and abroad. When it comes to cinema, it is the first element of contact with the general public and must satisfy the needs of the general public, so it is necessary to take into account the artistic direction and the importance of the scenographic space in which it takes place. since it is the first factor that comes into contact with the viewers, and this must comply with the visual demands and the context in which the story unfolds where the objective is that the audience to whom it is directed can understand a story without need to be explained; This is due to the spatial composition that can be achieved by the Art Department through the use of materials, colors, furniture, lighting and other factors that positively influence the perception of a scenographic space.This Final Project is about making a Spanish-speaking film. Its goal is to carry out an essentially scenographic design proposal covering other topics related to the Art Direction and production design for this film project, a romantic comedy adapted to Dominican culture, suitable for all audiences, which thanks to its script with Its realistic but at the same time funny story inspired by the Mexican script “Soltera” served as a starting point to start the creative process, resulting in a proposal of sets and production capable of showing this story by bringing it to reality.
[English] As the film industry in the Dominican Republic grows day by day, we need trained, educated and capable personnel to produce high quality Dominican films both at home and abroad. When it comes to cinema, it is the first element of contact with the general public and must satisfy the needs of the general public, so it is necessary to take into account the artistic direction and the importance of the scenographic space in which it takes place. since it is the first factor that comes into contact with the viewers, and this must comply with the visual demands and the context in which the story unfolds where the objective is that the audience to whom it is directed can understand a story without need to be explained; This is due to the spatial composition that can be achieved by the Art Department through the use of materials, colors, furniture, lighting and other factors that positively influence the perception of a scenographic space.This Final Project is about making a Spanish-speaking film. Its goal is to carry out an essentially scenographic design proposal covering other topics related to the Art Direction and production design for this film project, a romantic comedy adapted to Dominican culture, suitable for all audiences, which thanks to its script with Its realistic but at the same time funny story inspired by the Mexican script “Soltera” served as a starting point to start the creative process, resulting in a proposal of sets and production capable of showing this story by bringing it to reality.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Diseño de Interiores]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: