Publicación: Validación de la Escala Pediátrica de Fallo Multiorgánico Secuencial (pSOFA) para el diagnóstico de sepsis en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico del Hospital General de la Plaza de la Salud
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Introducción: Desde el año 2016, cuando se llevó a cabo el último gran consenso sobre sepsis, esta se define como la presencia de disfunción orgánica severa asociada a un foco infeccioso; para medir dicha disfunción orgánica se estandarizó la escala SOFA, que demostró un mejor desempeño que otras similares (1). Tal cambio se llevó a cabo inicialmente en la población adulta y requirió una calibración a la población pediátrica, con lo que surgió el pSOFA (2) (3) (4). Objetivo: Evaluar el desempeño del pSOFA como herramienta diagnóstica de sepsis en los niños ingresados a la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico del Hospital General de la Plaza de la Salud (HGPS) durante el período 1 de enero 2018 – 31 de diciembre 2019. Métodos: Se trató de un estudio no experimental, descriptivo, de corte transversal, con información retrospectiva de los expedientes digitales de los 94 pacientes que fueron ingresados en el HGPS durante los años 2018 y 2019 con el diagnóstico de sepsis, a los cuales se les aplicó un instrumento con las variables necesarias para medir la escala pSOFA. Resultados: Asumiendo que, según la evidencia, 2 puntos son necesarios para el diagnóstico de sepsis y que 7 puntos o más son un fuerte indicador de mal pronóstico (2) (3) (4), se encontraron los siguientes resultados: de los pacientes que obtuvieron 2 puntos en la escala pSOFA, el 71.43% requirió cuidado intensivo, así como el 100% de los que obtuvieron 3 puntos o más. Al aplicar la curva ROC al pSOFA como predictor de ingreso a UCIP se obtuvo un AUC de 0.95. Los pacientes con 2 puntos o más tuvieron una estancia promedio de 5 días por encima del resto. 7 puntos o más se asociaron a una mortalidad de 55.56% y 12 puntos o más se asociaron a un 100% de mortalidad. En la curva ROC para la mortalidad se encontró un AUC de 0.85. Conclusiones: La escala pSOFA mostró un buen desempeño predictivo en los pacientes con sepsis, tomando en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en la curva ROC, con un AUC de 0.95 al predecir el ingreso a Cuidado Intensivo y de 0.85 al predecir mortalidad.
[English] Introduction: Since 2016, when the last great consensus on sepsis was carried out, this is defined as the presence of severe organic dysfunction associated with an infectious focus; To measure this organic dysfunction, the SOFA scale was standardized, which showed a better performance than other similar ones (1). This change was initially carried out in the adult population and required a calibration to the pediatric population, thus creating the pSOFA (2) (3) (4). Objective: To evaluate the performance of the pSOFA as a diagnostic tool for sepsis in children admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the General Hospital of the Plaza de la Salud (HGPS) during the period January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019. Methods: It was a non-experimental, descriptive, crosssectional study, with retrospective information from the digital records of the 94 patients who were admitted to the HGPS during the years 2018 and 2019 with the diagnosis of sepsis, to which a instrument with the necessary variables to measure the pSOFA scale. Results: Assuming that, according to the evidence, 2 points are necessary for the diagnosis of sepsis and that 7 points or more are a strong indicator of poor prognosis (2) (3) (4), the following results were found: of the patients who obtained 2 points on the pSOFA scale, 71.43% required intensive care, as well as 100% of those who obtained 3 points or more. By applying the ROC curve to the pSOFA as a predictor of admission to the PICU, an AUC of 0.95 was obtained. Patients with 2 points or more had an average stay of 5 days above the rest. 7 points or more were associated with a mortality of 55.56% and 12 points or more were associated with 100% mortality. In the ROC curve for mortality, an AUC of 0.85 was found. Conclusions: The pSOFA scale showed good predictive performance in patients with sepsis, taking into account the results obtained in the ROC curve, with an AUC of 0.95 when predicting admission to Intensive Care and 0.85 when predicting mortality.
[English] Introduction: Since 2016, when the last great consensus on sepsis was carried out, this is defined as the presence of severe organic dysfunction associated with an infectious focus; To measure this organic dysfunction, the SOFA scale was standardized, which showed a better performance than other similar ones (1). This change was initially carried out in the adult population and required a calibration to the pediatric population, thus creating the pSOFA (2) (3) (4). Objective: To evaluate the performance of the pSOFA as a diagnostic tool for sepsis in children admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of the General Hospital of the Plaza de la Salud (HGPS) during the period January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019. Methods: It was a non-experimental, descriptive, crosssectional study, with retrospective information from the digital records of the 94 patients who were admitted to the HGPS during the years 2018 and 2019 with the diagnosis of sepsis, to which a instrument with the necessary variables to measure the pSOFA scale. Results: Assuming that, according to the evidence, 2 points are necessary for the diagnosis of sepsis and that 7 points or more are a strong indicator of poor prognosis (2) (3) (4), the following results were found: of the patients who obtained 2 points on the pSOFA scale, 71.43% required intensive care, as well as 100% of those who obtained 3 points or more. By applying the ROC curve to the pSOFA as a predictor of admission to the PICU, an AUC of 0.95 was obtained. Patients with 2 points or more had an average stay of 5 days above the rest. 7 points or more were associated with a mortality of 55.56% and 12 points or more were associated with 100% mortality. In the ROC curve for mortality, an AUC of 0.85 was found. Conclusions: The pSOFA scale showed good predictive performance in patients with sepsis, taking into account the results obtained in the ROC curve, with an AUC of 0.95 when predicting admission to Intensive Care and 0.85 when predicting mortality.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo final, Especialidad en Medicina Crítica Pediátrica]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: