Publicación: Evolución de eventos cerebrovasculares isquémicos en pacientes tratados con trombolisis intravenosa en la unidad de ACV Dr. López Camacho de la Clínica Corominas, Santiago, República Dominicana, en el período de enero 2017- enero 2020
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Introducción: El evento cerebrovascular (ECV) de tipo isquémico se describe como una interrupción repentina del flujo sanguíneo al cerebro. Como consecuencia, las células cerebrales del área afectada pierden su acceso a oxígeno y perecen (1). En general, los ECV son la segunda causa de muerte y la tercera causante de discapacidad a nivel mundial (4). Sin embargo, estos podrían tener un pronóstico favorable siempre y cuando se identifiquen y se traten con la mayor brevedad posible. Esto se debe a que el tratamiento de primera línea, la trombolisis intravenosa, requiere entre sus múltiples criterios que se cumpla con una ventana de tiempo menor a las 4.5 horas (7). Se han realizado múltiples estudios evaluando el progreso de los pacientes según el tiempo de manejo, no obstante, en el contexto de la República Dominicana como país en vía de desarrollo, existe una carencia de estudios e investigaciones para poder contrastar sus circunstancias y el hecho de que la ventana se extienda más allá de lo recomendado. A raíz de esta problemática, el presente trabajo investigativo busca analizar la evolución de pacientes con ECV isquémico según el rango de tiempo transcurrido desde el reconocimiento del cuadro clínico hasta la administración del Activador Tisular del Plasminógeno. Materiales y Métodos: El procedimiento para la extracción de datos se enfocó en la creación de un instrumento de recolección, el cual fue completado a través de la observación y descripción en forma retrospectiva de historias clínicas que cumplieran con los criterios establecidos. Resultados: Se recopilaron un total de 73 casos, con una mayoría de estos 40 (54.8%) del sexo masculino y con un rango de edad predominante de 65 a 85 años con un 39.7%. Como principal factor de riesgo se destaca la hipertensión arterial (74%) y la Diabetes Mellitus II (32%). Un 34% de la muestra reportó incurrir en hábitos tóxicos, con predominio de ingesta de alcohol y consumo de tabaco. La etiología más común fue la cardioembolia (34.2%) y el área de injuria más frecuente se observa en la arteria cerebral media (62%). Los pacientes fueron tratados en mayor proporción de 3-4.5 horas (46.6%) con un puntaje de NIHSS mayor a 20 (45%), y puntaje de Escala modificada de Rankin un total de la muestra fue ingresado con 0. En relación al egreso, se observó un NIHSS predominantemente en un rango de 0-4 (60.3%), y un puntaje de Escala modificada de Rankin de 0-2 en un 67% del total, cifras que se mantuvieron relativamente estables cuando se evolucionaron a los 90 días posteriores a la administración de t-Pa. En cuanto a las complicaciones, se presentaron en un 38.4% de los pacientes, siendo la presentación más común el edema cerebral, observado en un 13.7%, distribuido entre ingresos inferiores a las 3 horas y entre 4.6 a 6 horas. Seguidamente, un 10.6% desarrolló neumonía. La menor proporción de complicaciones se deben a angioedema (2.8%) y anafilaxis (1.4%). Discusión: Si bien los puntajes más óptimos al egreso y 90 días pertenecen a aquellos que recibieron t-PA hasta las 4.5 horas, se valora un beneficio significativo en los casos que se manejaron de 4.6-6 horas, manteniendo resultados positivos al ser examinados a los 90 días. Entre estos, se presentaron diferencias considerables en la aparición de complicaciones según la ventana de tiempo, las cuales fueron notablemente reducidas en los casos con una ventana menor a 3 horas.
[English] Introduction: Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is defined as the abrupt interruption of blood flow to the brain. Consequently, brain cells in the affected area lose their access to oxygen and perish (1). In general, AIS is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability worldwide (4). However, it could have a favorable prognosis as long as it is identified and treated as soon as possible. This is due to the first-line treatment, intravenous thrombolysis, requiring among its multiple criteria, a time window of less than 4.5 hours for administration (7). However, current conditions in the context of the Dominican Republic as a developing country, lack sufficient studies and research to contrast its circumstances, along with the fact that the therapeutic window is often extended beyond what is recommended. As a result of these obstacles, the present study seeks to analyze the functional outcome of patients with AIS according to the range of time elapsed from onset of symptoms to the administration of Tissue Plasminogen Activator. Materials and Methods: The process for data extraction focused on the creation of a data-collecting instrument, which was completed through the retrospective observation and bibliographical description of medical records that met the established criteria. Results: A total of 73 cases were collected, with a majority of these being 40 (54.8%) males with a predominant age range of 65 to 85 years (39.7%). High blood pressure (74%) and Diabetes Mellitus II (32%) stand out as the main risk factors. 34% of the population reported incurring in toxic habits, with a predominance of alcohol intake and tobacco consumption. The most common etiology was cardioembolism (34.2%) and the most frequent area of injury was observed in the middle cerebral artery (62%). Patients were mostly treated in a distribution of 3-4.5 hours (46.6%) with an NIHSS score greater than 20 (45%) and a total score of 0 on the modified Rankin Scale. Regarding discharge conditions, a NIHSS score of 0-4 was predominantly observed (60.3%), along with a modified Rankin score of 0-2 in 67% of the cases; this data remained relatively stable when reassessed 90 days after the administration of t-PA. Discussion: Although the most ideal scores at discharge and at 90 days belong to those who received t-PA in a therapeutic window of up to 4.5 hours, an improvement of importance is also observed in the outcome of cases that were treated from 4.6 to 6 hours. Among these, there were considerable differences in the development of complications regarding the time window, which were notably reduced in the cases with a time frame of less than 3 hours.
[English] Introduction: Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is defined as the abrupt interruption of blood flow to the brain. Consequently, brain cells in the affected area lose their access to oxygen and perish (1). In general, AIS is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability worldwide (4). However, it could have a favorable prognosis as long as it is identified and treated as soon as possible. This is due to the first-line treatment, intravenous thrombolysis, requiring among its multiple criteria, a time window of less than 4.5 hours for administration (7). However, current conditions in the context of the Dominican Republic as a developing country, lack sufficient studies and research to contrast its circumstances, along with the fact that the therapeutic window is often extended beyond what is recommended. As a result of these obstacles, the present study seeks to analyze the functional outcome of patients with AIS according to the range of time elapsed from onset of symptoms to the administration of Tissue Plasminogen Activator. Materials and Methods: The process for data extraction focused on the creation of a data-collecting instrument, which was completed through the retrospective observation and bibliographical description of medical records that met the established criteria. Results: A total of 73 cases were collected, with a majority of these being 40 (54.8%) males with a predominant age range of 65 to 85 years (39.7%). High blood pressure (74%) and Diabetes Mellitus II (32%) stand out as the main risk factors. 34% of the population reported incurring in toxic habits, with a predominance of alcohol intake and tobacco consumption. The most common etiology was cardioembolism (34.2%) and the most frequent area of injury was observed in the middle cerebral artery (62%). Patients were mostly treated in a distribution of 3-4.5 hours (46.6%) with an NIHSS score greater than 20 (45%) and a total score of 0 on the modified Rankin Scale. Regarding discharge conditions, a NIHSS score of 0-4 was predominantly observed (60.3%), along with a modified Rankin score of 0-2 in 67% of the cases; this data remained relatively stable when reassessed 90 days after the administration of t-PA. Discussion: Although the most ideal scores at discharge and at 90 days belong to those who received t-PA in a therapeutic window of up to 4.5 hours, an improvement of importance is also observed in the outcome of cases that were treated from 4.6 to 6 hours. Among these, there were considerable differences in the development of complications regarding the time window, which were notably reduced in the cases with a time frame of less than 3 hours.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Medicina]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: