Publicación: Percepción de la lactancia materna en estudiantes del internado de la carrera de medicina de 4 universidades de la ciudad de Santo Domingo, durante el período noviembre 2019 a febrero 2020
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Introducción: La lactancia materna (LM) es de gran beneficio tanto para el medio ambiente como para la sociedad, siendo los profesionales de la salud partícipes importantes en la promoción y vigilancia de la misma. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la Percepción de la LM en estudiantes de internado de la carrera de medicina de 4 universidades de la ciudad de Santo Domingo durante el período noviembre 2019 a febrero 2020. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal mediante encuestas físicas. El tamaño muestral es de 260 estudiantes internos de medicina, mayores de 20 años de edad distribuidos en 65 estudiantes por universidad que estuviesen rotando por distintos hospitales de la ciudad de Santo Domingo. La encuesta contaba con 20 preguntas donde 14 de estas medían el conocimiento del estudiante. Las calificaciones obtenidas en una escala de 100 fueron clasificadas en “Muy Bien” a los que obtuvieron 90–100, “Bien” para las calificaciones de 71-89, y “Puede mejorar habilidades” para las calificaciones menores a 70. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación demostraron que el 62.69 % de los encuestados eran de sexo femenino, solo un 25% de todos los encuestados ha recibido conferencias de LM por un tiempo mayor o igual a un mes, el 60% se encuentra en el rango de edad de 23-25 años, el porcentaje de calificación según el parámetro de calificación establecido demostraron que el 46.53% de los encuestados obtuvo una calificación dentro del rango ''Bien'', mientras el que el otro 46.53% obtuvo una calificación de ''pudiera mejorar habilidades, siendo el 6.9% de los encuestados restantes con un resultado ''Muy Bien''. Los estudiantes de universidades que contemplan en su pensum asignaturas mandatorias o electivas de LM por un tiempo mínimo de 4 semanas obtuvieron calificaciones más altas comparado con los que no han recibido.
[English] Introduction: Breastfeeding it's a great benefit for both the environment and society, and health professionals are important participants in its promotion and supervision. The objective of this research was to know the Perception of Breastfeeding in internship students of the medical career of 4 universities in the city of Santo Domingo during the period November 2019 to February 2020. Methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using hard copies surveys. The sample size is 260 internal medical students over 20 years of age distributed in 65 students per university who were rotating through different hospitals in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The survey had 20 questions where 14 of these measure student’s knowledge. Grades obtained on a scale of 100 were classified in " Very Good" to those who obtained 90-100, "Good" for grades 71-89, and "Can improve skills" for grades below 70. Results: The results obtained in this research showed that 62.69% of the respondents were female, only 25% of all respondents have received a breastfeeding core lecture for a period greater or equal to four weeks, 60% are in the age range of 23-25 years, the percentage of qualification according to the established qualification parameter showed that 46.53% of the respondents had an ''Good'' qualification while the equal percentage 46.53% obtained a qualification with '' could improve skills'', the remaining 6.9% respondents reach a '' Very Good '' result. The students of universities that contemplate in their curricular core or as an elective of breastfeeding for a period greater than one month obtained higher marks compared to those that never received instructions.
[English] Introduction: Breastfeeding it's a great benefit for both the environment and society, and health professionals are important participants in its promotion and supervision. The objective of this research was to know the Perception of Breastfeeding in internship students of the medical career of 4 universities in the city of Santo Domingo during the period November 2019 to February 2020. Methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using hard copies surveys. The sample size is 260 internal medical students over 20 years of age distributed in 65 students per university who were rotating through different hospitals in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The survey had 20 questions where 14 of these measure student’s knowledge. Grades obtained on a scale of 100 were classified in " Very Good" to those who obtained 90-100, "Good" for grades 71-89, and "Can improve skills" for grades below 70. Results: The results obtained in this research showed that 62.69% of the respondents were female, only 25% of all respondents have received a breastfeeding core lecture for a period greater or equal to four weeks, 60% are in the age range of 23-25 years, the percentage of qualification according to the established qualification parameter showed that 46.53% of the respondents had an ''Good'' qualification while the equal percentage 46.53% obtained a qualification with '' could improve skills'', the remaining 6.9% respondents reach a '' Very Good '' result. The students of universities that contemplate in their curricular core or as an elective of breastfeeding for a period greater than one month obtained higher marks compared to those that never received instructions.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Medicina]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: