Publicación: Eficiencia diagnóstica y caracterización clínica de trastornos pediátricos neuropsiquiátricos autoinmunitarios asociados con infecciones estreptocócicas en consultorio pediátrico privado, en el período 2006 al 2019
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Introducción: Las infecciones faríngoamigdalinas secundaría a Estreptococo Beta-hemolítico del Grupo A(EBHGA) son frecuentes en la edad pediátrica en Estados Unidos los niño de 13 años de edad ya han tenido al menos tres cuadros de faringitis estreptocócicas, por esto se consideran un grupo vulnerable para padecer manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas a causas de esta bacteria; Realizar un diagnóstico oportuno y detección temprana de la sintomatología podría prevenir las secuelas que estos pacientes pudieran llegar a presentar. Métodos: Este estudio contó con una muestra total de 16 expedientes, a los cuales se le aplicó dos cuestionarios cuyas preguntas abarcan historia clínica, historia de la enfermedad actual, caracterizaciones clínicas de la enfermedad, historia médica pasada, tratamiento, seguimiento y eficiencia diagnóstica. Resultado: Con una muestra total de (n=12) la edad mínima obtenida fue de 7 años y la máxima de 15 años, para un promedio de edad de 11 años y una distribución multimodal de los valores, siendo el rango de edad más frecuente de 13 a 15 años. En el sexo, el masculino obtuvo 75% de incidencia y un 25% para el sexo femenino. Dentro de las manifestaciones psiquiátricas más frecuentes fueron los Trastornos Involuntarios Compulsivo (TICs) faciales en el 50% de los casos, Trastornos Obsesivos Compulsivos (TOCs) en el 42%, o presencia de TOCs/TICs concomitante en el 25% de los pacientes. Dentro de los criterios para el diagnóstico clínico de PANDAS la edad y manifestaciones de TOC/TICs o ambos estuvo presente en un 100% de los pacientes, mientras que un 33 % observó un curso episódico de los síntomas con altibajo en la gravedad de estos.75% de los pacientes tuvo un diagnóstico clínico eficientes para PANDAS. Discusión: Los resultados obtenidos de este estudio coinciden con la información obtenida sobre PANDAS. El rango de edad de los pacientes fue de 13 a 15 años; en el caso del sexo, el masculino fue de mayor incidencia. La positividad del ASO se vio elevado y normal en más de la mitad de la población estudiada 58%. Dentro de las manifestaciones psiquiátricas más frecuentes fueron los (TICs) faciales en un 50% de los casos, al igual que la presencia de (TOCs) con un 45%. Dentro de los Criterios para el diagnóstico de PANDAS los criterios más prevalentes en todos los pacientes fueron la edad de inicio de los síntomas y la presencia de TOCs/TICs o ambos.
[English] Introduction: Pharyngeal-tonsillar infections secondary Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci (GABHS) are very frequent in pediatric age, for this reason they are at risk of suffering from neuropsychiatric manifestations due to this bacterium; Carrying out a timely diagnosis and early detection of the symptoms could prevent the sequelae that these patients could present. Methods: Our study had a total sample of 16 records, to which questionnaires were applied to the medical records whose questions include clinical history, history of the current disease, clinical characterizations of the disease, past medical history, treatment and follow-up. Results: With a total sample of (n = 12), the minimum age obtained was 7 years and the maximum was 15 years, for an average age of 11 years and a multimodal distribution of values, the most frequent age range being 13 to 15 years. In the sex, the male had a 75% incidence and a 25% for the female sex. Among the most frequent psychiatric manifestations were facial Involuntary Compulsive Disorders (TICs) in 50% of the cases, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) in 42%, or the presence of concomitant OCD / TICs in 25% of the patients. Within the criteria for the clinical diagnosis of PANDAS, age and manifestations of OCD / TICs or both were present in 100% of the patients, while 33% observed an episodic course of symptoms with ups and downs in their severity. 75% of the patients had an efficient clinical diagnosis for PANDAS. Discussion: The results obtained from this study coincide with the information obtained on PANDAS. The age range of the patients was 13 to 15 years; in the case of sex, the masculine one was of greater incidence. The positivity of the ASO was elevated and normal in more than half of the population studied 58%. Among the most frequent psychiatric manifestations were facial (TICs) in 50% of cases, as well as the presence of (OCD) in 45%. Within the Criteria for the diagnosis of PANDAS, the most prevalent criteria in all patients were the age of onset of symptoms and the presence of OCD / TICs or both.
[English] Introduction: Pharyngeal-tonsillar infections secondary Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci (GABHS) are very frequent in pediatric age, for this reason they are at risk of suffering from neuropsychiatric manifestations due to this bacterium; Carrying out a timely diagnosis and early detection of the symptoms could prevent the sequelae that these patients could present. Methods: Our study had a total sample of 16 records, to which questionnaires were applied to the medical records whose questions include clinical history, history of the current disease, clinical characterizations of the disease, past medical history, treatment and follow-up. Results: With a total sample of (n = 12), the minimum age obtained was 7 years and the maximum was 15 years, for an average age of 11 years and a multimodal distribution of values, the most frequent age range being 13 to 15 years. In the sex, the male had a 75% incidence and a 25% for the female sex. Among the most frequent psychiatric manifestations were facial Involuntary Compulsive Disorders (TICs) in 50% of the cases, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) in 42%, or the presence of concomitant OCD / TICs in 25% of the patients. Within the criteria for the clinical diagnosis of PANDAS, age and manifestations of OCD / TICs or both were present in 100% of the patients, while 33% observed an episodic course of symptoms with ups and downs in their severity. 75% of the patients had an efficient clinical diagnosis for PANDAS. Discussion: The results obtained from this study coincide with the information obtained on PANDAS. The age range of the patients was 13 to 15 years; in the case of sex, the masculine one was of greater incidence. The positivity of the ASO was elevated and normal in more than half of the population studied 58%. Among the most frequent psychiatric manifestations were facial (TICs) in 50% of cases, as well as the presence of (OCD) in 45%. Within the Criteria for the diagnosis of PANDAS, the most prevalent criteria in all patients were the age of onset of symptoms and the presence of OCD / TICs or both.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Medicina]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: