Publicación: Impacto de las celebridades y sus redes sociales en el desarrollo turístico del municipio de Río San Juan
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] El turismo se caracteriza por su complejidad, la cantidad de elementos que lo componen y los distintos sectores económicos que se ven involucrados en su desarrollo. El municipio Río San Juan ha visto incrementada las visitas de turistas por la promoción de sus atractivos mediante las redes sociales y por parte de celebridades, lo que amerita reconocer cuál ha sido su impacto desde la perspectiva económica, social y medioambiental. Su realización supone una investigación de campo, de diseño no experimental, ex-post-facto y transaccional, considerando un muestreo será del tipo no probabilístico, bajo la modalidad Intencional a personal involucrado dentro de la actividad turística, así como a pobladores de la zona para recolectar los datos mediante una entrevista, además de la observación, la revisión bibliográfico-documental; información procesada y analizada a través de la aplicación de la estadística descriptiva. Los hallazgos demuestran un impacto favorable en la conformación de políticas, medidas o acciones que permitan el desarrollo sustentable y sostenible de la región, de sus pobladores y, de la preservación y el mantenimiento del medio ambiente. Desde la perspectiva económica, el turismo ha generado un incremento en las ofertas de bienes y servicios, un incremento de empleos y en la recaudación de divisas. Los elementos medioambientales, además de estar altamente expuestos y su degradación, han visto potenciada una mayor concienciación de mejores prácticas de conservación. Finalmente, los cambios sociales son el incremento de los niveles de educación, con miras a repercutir en un mediano plazo al incremento de la calidad de vida.
[English] Tourism is characterized by its complexity, the number of elements that make it up and the different economic sectors that are involved in its development. The Rio San Juan municipality has seen an increase in tourist visits due to the promotion of its attractions through social networks and by celebrities, which merits recognizing what its impact has been from an economic, social and environmental perspective. Its realization supposes a field investigation, of non-experimental, ex-post-facto and transactional design, considering a sampling will be of the non-probabilistic type, under the Intentional modality to personnel involved in the tourist activity, as well as to inhabitants of the area. To collect data through an interview, in addition to observation, bibliographic-documentary review; information processed and analyzed through the application of descriptive statistics. The findings show a favorable impact on the formation of policies, measures or actions that allow the sustainable development of the region, its inhabitants and the preservation and maintenance of the environment. From an economic perspective, tourism has generated an increase in the supply of goods and services, an increase in jobs and in the collection of foreign currency. Environmental elements, in addition to being highly exposed and their degradation, have seen a greater awareness of best conservation practices. Finally, the social changes are the increase in education levels, with a view to having repercussions in the medium term on the increase in the quality of life.
[English] Tourism is characterized by its complexity, the number of elements that make it up and the different economic sectors that are involved in its development. The Rio San Juan municipality has seen an increase in tourist visits due to the promotion of its attractions through social networks and by celebrities, which merits recognizing what its impact has been from an economic, social and environmental perspective. Its realization supposes a field investigation, of non-experimental, ex-post-facto and transactional design, considering a sampling will be of the non-probabilistic type, under the Intentional modality to personnel involved in the tourist activity, as well as to inhabitants of the area. To collect data through an interview, in addition to observation, bibliographic-documentary review; information processed and analyzed through the application of descriptive statistics. The findings show a favorable impact on the formation of policies, measures or actions that allow the sustainable development of the region, its inhabitants and the preservation and maintenance of the environment. From an economic perspective, tourism has generated an increase in the supply of goods and services, an increase in jobs and in the collection of foreign currency. Environmental elements, in addition to being highly exposed and their degradation, have seen a greater awareness of best conservation practices. Finally, the social changes are the increase in education levels, with a view to having repercussions in the medium term on the increase in the quality of life.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Dirección y Gestión del Turismo]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: