Publicación: Factores asociados al desprendimiento de retina del Instituto Espaillat Cabral, en el período enero 2014-abril 2019, Santo Domingo, DN, República Dominicana
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] El desprendimiento de retina (DR) es una afectación visual que ocurre cuando la retina se separa de la parte posterior del ojo, como ocurre cuando el epitelio pigmentario de la retina se aleja, o aparta, de la retina neurosensorial. A pesar de ser una complicación de comorbilidades comunes como lo son la hipertensión (HTA), miopía (en el ámbito oftalmológico) y la diabetes mellitus (DM), muchas veces puede pasar desapercibido convirtiéndose en una emergencia de la visión que lleva a la ceguera rápidamente si no es tratada con urgencias. Para comprender el estado actual de esta patología en la República Dominicana, se recopiló información sobre los factores asociados en pacientes que acudieron al servicio de retina en el Instituto Espaillat Cabral en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana en enero 2014 hasta abril 2019. Métodos: El método utilizado en la investigación es el análisis, y como técnica de investigación es la observación indirecta, a través del análisis documental de expedientes clínicos pacientes. La recolección de los datos se hizo a través del extracto de la base de datos, que se aplicaron de forma individual en expedientes clínicos de pacientes que poseyeron las variables de investigación. Resultados: De una muestra de 332 pacientes diagnosticados con DR entre 2014-2019, el 50.3% (167) fue en el ojo izquierdo y el 49.7% (165) en el ojo derecho, con un 71.99% (239) del sexo masculino y un 28.01% (93) del femenino. En cuanto a la edad, un 4.82% (16) estaba entre los 18-29 años, 7.83% (26) entre los 30-39 años, 16.87% (56) entre los 40- 49, 32.23% (107) entre los 50-59%, y un 38.25% (127) ≥60. Entre los factores de riesgo sistémicos, un 8.13% (27) sufre de Diabetes Mellitus, 16.87% (56) de Hipertensión arterial, 29.82% (99) de 2 factores, 1.51% (5) 3 factores o más, y un 43.67% (146) ninguno. En lo que los factores oftalmológicos conciernen, resaltaron un 32.53% (108) sufre de ninguno, un 15.66% (52) de 2 antecedentes, 9.64% (32) errores refractivos, 21.99% (73) cirugías de los ojos, y un 7.53% (25) retinopatía diabética. De los factores quirúrgicos, resaltó la cirugía de catarata con un 68.5% (50). Los defectos refractivos demostraron que un (40.6%) sufre de miopía acompañado de otro, 37.5% (12) mixtos, y 21.9% (7) miopía solamente. Discusión: Según los resultados del estudio, los factores asociados a una mayor predisposición de DR se observan en pacientes masculinos con afectación del ojo izquierdo (OI), de 60 años o más e historia de retinopatía diabética, miopía y/o cirugía de catarata previa.
[English] Retinal detachment is a visual impairment that occurs when the retina detaches from the back of the eye, as occurs when the retinal pigment epithelium moves away from, or separates from, the neurosensory retina. Despite being a complication of commonly seen comorbidities such as hypertension, myopia (in the ophthalmic field) and diabetes mellitus, it can often go unnoticed, becoming a vision emergency that quickly leads to blindness if it is not treated with urgency. To understand the current state of this pathology in the Dominican Republic, information about the associated factors was collected from patients who attended the retina service at the Instituto Espaillat Cabral in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from January 2014 to April 2019. Methods: The method used in this research is analysis, and the research technique is indirect observation, through documental analysis of patient’s clinical records. The data was collected through the extract from the database, which was applied individually to the clinical records of the patients who had the research variables that applied to our study. Results: From a sample of 332 patients diagnosed with retinal detachment between 2014-2019, 50.3% (167) was in the left eye and 49.7% (165) in the right eye, with 71.99% (239) of the male sex and 28.01% (93) of the female. Regarding age, 4.82% (16) were between 18-29 years old, 7.83% (26) between 30- 39 years, 16.87% (56) between 40-49, 32.23% (107) between 50-59%, and 38.25% (127) ≥60. Among the systemic risk factors, 8.13% (27) suffered from Diabetes Mellitus, 16.87% (56) from Hypertension, 29.82% (99) from 2 factors, 1.51% (5) 3 factors or more, and 43.67% (146) none. Regarding ophthalmological factors, 32.53% (108) suffered from none, 15.66% (52) from 2 antecedents, 9.64% (32) refractory failures, 21.99% (73) eye surgeries, and 7.53 % (25) diabetic retinopathy. Of the surgical factors, cataract surgery stood out with 68.5% (50). Refractive errors showed that one (40.6%) suffers from myopia accompanied by another, 37.5% (12) mixed, and 21.9% (7) myopia only. Discussion: According to the results of the study, the factors associated with a greater predisposition to retinal detachment are observed in male patients with involvement of the left eye, of 60 years of age or older, and history of diabetic retinopathy, myopia and/or a previous cataract surgery.
[English] Retinal detachment is a visual impairment that occurs when the retina detaches from the back of the eye, as occurs when the retinal pigment epithelium moves away from, or separates from, the neurosensory retina. Despite being a complication of commonly seen comorbidities such as hypertension, myopia (in the ophthalmic field) and diabetes mellitus, it can often go unnoticed, becoming a vision emergency that quickly leads to blindness if it is not treated with urgency. To understand the current state of this pathology in the Dominican Republic, information about the associated factors was collected from patients who attended the retina service at the Instituto Espaillat Cabral in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from January 2014 to April 2019. Methods: The method used in this research is analysis, and the research technique is indirect observation, through documental analysis of patient’s clinical records. The data was collected through the extract from the database, which was applied individually to the clinical records of the patients who had the research variables that applied to our study. Results: From a sample of 332 patients diagnosed with retinal detachment between 2014-2019, 50.3% (167) was in the left eye and 49.7% (165) in the right eye, with 71.99% (239) of the male sex and 28.01% (93) of the female. Regarding age, 4.82% (16) were between 18-29 years old, 7.83% (26) between 30- 39 years, 16.87% (56) between 40-49, 32.23% (107) between 50-59%, and 38.25% (127) ≥60. Among the systemic risk factors, 8.13% (27) suffered from Diabetes Mellitus, 16.87% (56) from Hypertension, 29.82% (99) from 2 factors, 1.51% (5) 3 factors or more, and 43.67% (146) none. Regarding ophthalmological factors, 32.53% (108) suffered from none, 15.66% (52) from 2 antecedents, 9.64% (32) refractory failures, 21.99% (73) eye surgeries, and 7.53 % (25) diabetic retinopathy. Of the surgical factors, cataract surgery stood out with 68.5% (50). Refractive errors showed that one (40.6%) suffers from myopia accompanied by another, 37.5% (12) mixed, and 21.9% (7) myopia only. Discussion: According to the results of the study, the factors associated with a greater predisposition to retinal detachment are observed in male patients with involvement of the left eye, of 60 years of age or older, and history of diabetic retinopathy, myopia and/or a previous cataract surgery.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Medicina]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: