Publicación: Comportamiento de la encía insertada mediante el uso de membranas no reabsorbibles de teflón
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] La presencia de encía queratinizada está asociada a la salud del implante dental. La preservación alveolar permite al momento de la extracción conservar las dimensiones y contornos alveolares, para la realización de este se utilizan biomateriales como las membranas. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el comportamiento de la encía insertada mediante el uso de membranas no reabsorbibles de teflón. Un estudio de tipo clínico experimental con 16 pacientes y 4 de grupo control. En este estudio se midió el nivel de encía queratinizada en milímetros el día de la cirugía, 15 días después, al mes, a los dos y a los tres meses. Se obtuvo como resultado que el promedio de tejido blando el día de la cirugía fue de 3,13 mm, luego aumenta significativamente un 16,0% para lograr 3,63 mm a los 15 días, al mes se obtuvo un promedio de 3,69 mm el cual es ligeramente superior al valor obtenido a los 15 días creciendo un 1,6%. En conclusión, el promedio del tejido blando sube solamente del día de la cirugía a los 15 días, ya que al realizar la prueba de Wilcoxon se obtiene un p valor=0,03 que nos indica que los promedios estudiados son estadísticamente diferentes.
[English] The presence of keratinized gum is associated with the health of the dental implant. Alveolar preservation allows the alveolar dimensions and contours to be preserved at the time of extraction; biomaterials such as membranes are used to carry out this procedure. The objective of this study was to describe the behavior of the inserted gingiva through the use of non-resorbable Teflon membranes. An experimental clinical study with 16 patients and 4 in the control group. In this study, the level of keratinized gingiva was measured in millimeters on the day of surgery, 15 days later, one month, two and three months later. The result was that the average soft tissue on the day of surgery was 3.13 mm, then it increased significantly by 16.0% to achieve 3.63 mm at 15 days, after one month an average of 3.0% was obtained. 69 mm which is slightly higher than the value obtained after 15 days, growing by 1.6%. In conclusion, the average of the soft tissue increases only from the day of surgery to 15 days, since when performing the Wilcoxon test a p value = 0.03 is obtained, which indicates that the averages studied are statistically different.
[English] The presence of keratinized gum is associated with the health of the dental implant. Alveolar preservation allows the alveolar dimensions and contours to be preserved at the time of extraction; biomaterials such as membranes are used to carry out this procedure. The objective of this study was to describe the behavior of the inserted gingiva through the use of non-resorbable Teflon membranes. An experimental clinical study with 16 patients and 4 in the control group. In this study, the level of keratinized gingiva was measured in millimeters on the day of surgery, 15 days later, one month, two and three months later. The result was that the average soft tissue on the day of surgery was 3.13 mm, then it increased significantly by 16.0% to achieve 3.63 mm at 15 days, after one month an average of 3.0% was obtained. 69 mm which is slightly higher than the value obtained after 15 days, growing by 1.6%. In conclusion, the average of the soft tissue increases only from the day of surgery to 15 days, since when performing the Wilcoxon test a p value = 0.03 is obtained, which indicates that the averages studied are statistically different.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de postgrado, Maestría en Periodoncia e Implantes Dentales]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: