Publicación: Evaluación del nivel de autoconfianza en base los conocimientos sobre implantología dental de los estudiantes de segundo año de la Unidad de Postgrado de la Escuela de Odontología de UNIBE, en el período 2023
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Objetivo: evaluar el nivel de conocimientos en implantología dental en los estudiantes de la unidad de postgrado de la escuela de odontología de UNIBE en el periodo 2023 e identificar la autoconfianza que presentan los mismos, ahora que están próximo a integrarse a el ambiente laboral. Metodología: se realizó un estudio observacional transversal aplicando un cuestionario a los estudiantes de segundo año, de los postgrados de cirugía bucal, periodoncia y rehabilitación bucal, entre el 15 y 29 de mayo 2023. Resultados: un total de 25 cuestionarios fueron completados, con una tasa de respuesta del 96.2%. Del total de los estudiantes encuestados 72% obtuvieron un alto nivel de conocimientos. El 60% expresó muy alta autoconfianza para evaluar, diagnosticar y planificar casos de implantes dentales. En cuanto a confianza para colocar implantes de forma independiente e inmediatamente terminado el postgrado, un 56% expresó sentir alta confianza. Un 32% señaló que solo a veces habían colocado implantes independientemente, sin intervención del docente. La cantidad de implantes colocados por los maestrantes se encuentra en un intervalo entre cero y catorce, siendo uno, la moda entre los encuestados. Al relacionar confianza y conocimientos los estudiantes que presentaron alto nivel de conocimientos también presentaron alto grado de confianza. La mayoría de los estudiantes expresaron que la cantidad de implantes colocados le proporciona alta autoconfianza para colocar implantes futuros. Conclusión: La mayoría de los encuestados presentan alto nivel de conocimientos y alto grado de autoconfianza, sin haber diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las tres maestrías.
[English] The aim: to evaluate the knowledge level about dental implants in postgraduate students of UNIBE School Dentistry in 2023 and to identify they self-confidence now that they are close to integrating into the professional environment. Methodology: a cross-sectional observational study was made, a questionnaire was applied to secondyear postgraduate students of the Oral surgery, Periodontics and Restorative dentistry programs, between May 15 and 29, 2023. Results: a total of 25 questionnaires were completed, with 96.2% response rate. Of the total number of students surveyed, 72% obtained a high level of knowledge. 60% expressed very high self-confidence to evaluate, diagnose and plan cases of dental implants. Regarding confidence to place implants independently and immediately after the postgraduate course, 56% expressed feeling high confidence. 32% indicated that they only sometimes had placed implants independently without teacher intervention. The number of implants placed by the students is in between zero and fourteen, with one being the statistical mode. When relating confidence and knowledge, the students who presented a high level of knowledge also presented a high confidence. Most of the students expressed that the number of implants placed gives them high self-confidence to place future implants. Conclusion: Most of the respondents had high level of knowledge and high selfconfidence, with no statistically significant difference between the three master's degrees programs.
[English] The aim: to evaluate the knowledge level about dental implants in postgraduate students of UNIBE School Dentistry in 2023 and to identify they self-confidence now that they are close to integrating into the professional environment. Methodology: a cross-sectional observational study was made, a questionnaire was applied to secondyear postgraduate students of the Oral surgery, Periodontics and Restorative dentistry programs, between May 15 and 29, 2023. Results: a total of 25 questionnaires were completed, with 96.2% response rate. Of the total number of students surveyed, 72% obtained a high level of knowledge. 60% expressed very high self-confidence to evaluate, diagnose and plan cases of dental implants. Regarding confidence to place implants independently and immediately after the postgraduate course, 56% expressed feeling high confidence. 32% indicated that they only sometimes had placed implants independently without teacher intervention. The number of implants placed by the students is in between zero and fourteen, with one being the statistical mode. When relating confidence and knowledge, the students who presented a high level of knowledge also presented a high confidence. Most of the students expressed that the number of implants placed gives them high self-confidence to place future implants. Conclusion: Most of the respondents had high level of knowledge and high selfconfidence, with no statistically significant difference between the three master's degrees programs.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de postgrado, Maestría en Cirugía Bucal e Implantes Dentales]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: