Publicación: Apoyo en el auxilio a mujeres en situación de violencia intrafamiliar: agente conversacional
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Esta investigación abarca el análisis, diseño y arquitectura necesaria para la implementación de un sistema inteligente como respuesta ante la problemática del abuso de pareja o intrafamiliar que afecta a un gran número de mujeres en la República Dominicana mediante la asistencia de una herramienta digital que toma forma de un bot conversacional (o chatbot) apoyado de técnicas del campo de la Inteligencia Artificial las cuales sirven como una simulación a un conversatorio donde una posible mujer víctima que se encuentra en una situación de abuso puede comunicar su situación y si lo quisiera, encontrar un soporte para ella. Por otro lado, la aplicación digital guarda ciertas informaciones y respuestas del usuario que son presentadas mediante una vista general de gráficas para ser interpretadas por psicólogos expertos, agentes de la ley y las fuerzas de seguridad para la intervención y auxilio de grupos de víctimas. La plataforma propuesta apoya al Desarrollo Sostenible de la agenda 20-30 relacionándose con los objetivos de: “Garantizar una vida sana y promover el bienestar para todos en todas las edades.” y “Fomentar la innovación”.
[Eglish] This research covers the analysis, design and architecture necessary for the implementation of an intelligent system in response to the problematic abuse that affects a large number of women victims of intimate partner violence in the Dominican Republic, through the assistance of a digital tool that takes the form of a conversational bot (or chatbot) supported by techniques from the field of Artificial Intelligence which serve as a simulation of a conversation where a possible female victim who is in a situation of abuse can communicate her situation and if she wanted, find a support for her. On the other hand, the digital application stores certain information and user responses that are presented through an overview of graphs to be interpreted by expert psychologists, law enforcement officers and security forces for the intervention and assistance of groups of victims. The proposed platform supports the Sustainable Development of the 20-30 agenda relating to the objectives of: "Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages." and "Foster innovation"
[Eglish] This research covers the analysis, design and architecture necessary for the implementation of an intelligent system in response to the problematic abuse that affects a large number of women victims of intimate partner violence in the Dominican Republic, through the assistance of a digital tool that takes the form of a conversational bot (or chatbot) supported by techniques from the field of Artificial Intelligence which serve as a simulation of a conversation where a possible female victim who is in a situation of abuse can communicate her situation and if she wanted, find a support for her. On the other hand, the digital application stores certain information and user responses that are presented through an overview of graphs to be interpreted by expert psychologists, law enforcement officers and security forces for the intervention and assistance of groups of victims. The proposed platform supports the Sustainable Development of the 20-30 agenda relating to the objectives of: "Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages." and "Foster innovation"
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: