Publicación: Anomalias dentales con riesgo potencial en el funcionamiento de la cavidad oral y la estética de la sonrisa
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Objetivos: este estudio es desarrollar competencias en la identificación, diagnóstico y tratamiento de anomalías dentales que impactan tanto la función de la cavidad oral como la estética de la sonrisa. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación deductiva, se consultaron diversas bases de datos científicas como EBSCO, Scopus, pubmed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, Elsevier, Scielo y Web of Science. El propósito fue generar aportes originales al conocimiento en este campo específico. Metodología: Las anomalías dentales no solo pueden afectar significativamente la función de los dientes en la cavidad oral, sino que también tienen un efecto notable en la estética de la sonrisa, lo cual influye directamente en la autoestima y la confianza del paciente. Se subraya la importancia crucial de identificar estas anomalías desde etapas tempranas, no solo para facilitar tratamientos efectivos y menos invasivos, sino también para prevenir complicaciones futuras que podrían afectar la salud bucodental. Conclusiones: Las anomalías dentales pueden comprometer significativamente la función de los dientes en la cavidad oral. Desde maloclusiones hasta problemas estructurales como microdoncia o macrodoncia, cada condición puede afectar la masticación, la articulación y la salud periodontal del individuo. Además de la función, las anomalías dentales tienen un impacto notable en la estética de la sonrisa y, por ende, en la autoestima y la confianza del paciente. Conocer cómo estas anomalías afectan la apariencia facial y cómo pueden corregirse es crucial para ofrecer opciones de tratamiento que mejoren la calidad de vida del individuo. Se ha abordado detalladamente el proceso para identificar ydiagnosticar cada tipo de anomalía dental.
[English] Objectives: the main objective of this final project is to develop competencies in the identification, recognition, diagnosis and treatment of dental anomalies that impact both the function of the oral cavity and the aesthetics of the smile. To carry out this deductive research, various scientific databases such as pubmed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scielo and Web of Science were previously consulted. The purpose was to generate original and updated contributions to knowledge in this specific field. Methodology: Dental anomalies can not only significantly affect the function of teeth in the oral cavity of a patient, but also have a notable effect on the aesthetics of the patient’s smile, which directly influences the patient's self-esteem and confidence. The crucial importance of identifying these anomalies from early stages is underlined, not only to facilitate effective and less invasive treatments, but also to prevent future complications that could affect oral health. Conclusions: Dental anomalies can significantly compromise the function of teeth in the oral cavity. From malocclusions to structural problems such as microdontia or macrodontia, each condition can affect an individual's chewing, articulation, and periodontal health. In addition to function, dental anomalies have a notable impact on the aesthetics of the smile and, therefore, on the patient's self-esteem and confidence. Knowing how these abnormalities affect facial appearance and how they can be corrected is crucial to offering treatment options that improve the individual's quality of life. The process to identify and diagnose each type of dental anomaly has been discussed in detail in this investigation.
[English] Objectives: the main objective of this final project is to develop competencies in the identification, recognition, diagnosis and treatment of dental anomalies that impact both the function of the oral cavity and the aesthetics of the smile. To carry out this deductive research, various scientific databases such as pubmed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scielo and Web of Science were previously consulted. The purpose was to generate original and updated contributions to knowledge in this specific field. Methodology: Dental anomalies can not only significantly affect the function of teeth in the oral cavity of a patient, but also have a notable effect on the aesthetics of the patient’s smile, which directly influences the patient's self-esteem and confidence. The crucial importance of identifying these anomalies from early stages is underlined, not only to facilitate effective and less invasive treatments, but also to prevent future complications that could affect oral health. Conclusions: Dental anomalies can significantly compromise the function of teeth in the oral cavity. From malocclusions to structural problems such as microdontia or macrodontia, each condition can affect an individual's chewing, articulation, and periodontal health. In addition to function, dental anomalies have a notable impact on the aesthetics of the smile and, therefore, on the patient's self-esteem and confidence. Knowing how these abnormalities affect facial appearance and how they can be corrected is crucial to offering treatment options that improve the individual's quality of life. The process to identify and diagnose each type of dental anomaly has been discussed in detail in this investigation.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: