Publicación: Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del personal médico respecto a las metas internacionales para seguridad del paciente, en el Hospital General Plaza de la Salud, junio 2022
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Con el propósito de determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del personal médico respecto a las metas internacionales para seguridad del paciente en el Hospital General Plaza de la Salud, junio, 2022. Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional, descriptivo tipo encuesta transversal, encontrándose lo siguientes hallazgos: Respecto a los resultados obtenidos, se evidenció que, de los 306 médicos encuestados, un 58.82% presentaron alto nivel de conocimiento siendo este el porcentaje más alto, una actitud excelente en un 73.86% de los casos y en el caso de la práctica se muestra un desempeño regular con un 50.50% de los casos. Al comparar los grupos etarios tuvimos edades que oscilaron entre 20 y 60 años, siendo el mayor grupo de edad para los médicos de 30-39 años con un 41.18%. El sexo predominante en la investigación fue el femenino con un porcentaje del 77%. Al analizar los resultados nos damos cuenta de que si hay una buena base de información sobre las metas internacionales, para seguridad del paciente y buena actitud, es al momento de poner en práctica estos conocimientos donde está el déficit. Sin embargo, no en todas las áreas, no con todas las metas, pasa lo mismo, y las que no se cumplen es de manera parcial. Recordando que en medicina una buena actitud no sustituye una buena práctica y alto conocimiento, deben ser complementarias uno de otro.
[English] With the purpose of determining the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the medical personnel regarding the international goals for patient safety in the Plaza de la Salud General Hospital, june 2022. An observational, descriptive cross-sectional survey type study was carried out, finding the following findings: Regarding the results obtained, it was evidenced that of the 306 doctors surveyed, 58.82% presented a high level of knowledge, this being the highest percentage, an excellent attitude in 73.86% of the cases and in the case of In practice, a regular performance is shown with 50.50% of the cases. When comparing the age groups, we had ages that ranged between 20 and 60 years, with the largest age group for doctors being 30-39 years with 41.18%. The predominant sex in the research was female with a percentage of 77%. When analyzing the results, we realize that if there is a good base of information on international goals, for patient safety and a good attitude, it is at the time of putting this knowledge into practice where the deficit lies. However, not in all areas, not with all goals, the same thing happens, and those that are not met is partially. Remembering that in medicine a good attitude does not replace good practice and high knowledge, they must be complementary to each other.
[English] With the purpose of determining the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the medical personnel regarding the international goals for patient safety in the Plaza de la Salud General Hospital, june 2022. An observational, descriptive cross-sectional survey type study was carried out, finding the following findings: Regarding the results obtained, it was evidenced that of the 306 doctors surveyed, 58.82% presented a high level of knowledge, this being the highest percentage, an excellent attitude in 73.86% of the cases and in the case of In practice, a regular performance is shown with 50.50% of the cases. When comparing the age groups, we had ages that ranged between 20 and 60 years, with the largest age group for doctors being 30-39 years with 41.18%. The predominant sex in the research was female with a percentage of 77%. When analyzing the results, we realize that if there is a good base of information on international goals, for patient safety and a good attitude, it is at the time of putting this knowledge into practice where the deficit lies. However, not in all areas, not with all goals, the same thing happens, and those that are not met is partially. Remembering that in medicine a good attitude does not replace good practice and high knowledge, they must be complementary to each other.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo final, Especialidad en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: