Publicación: Prevalencia de complicaciones en pacientes nacidos con anomalías del tubo neural en el área de neurología del Hospital Infantil Robert Reid Cabral (HIRRC), en el período junio 2017- junio 2019
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Introducción: El tubo neural es una estructura embrionaria que se forma en el primer mes de gestación. Dentro de las anomalías del tubo neural se describen la anencefalia, la encefalocele, la espina bífida oculta, el meningocele y el mielomeningocele. Las complicaciones más comunes se relacionan a cada una de las malformaciones y cuadros que le acompañan. Se describen malformaciones ósea asociadas, déficits de tipo cognitivo o motor, infecciones a repetición como meningitis, defectos en la piel, trastornos psicológicos o psiquiátricos. Las complicaciones son situaciones que significan una alta morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con anomalías del tubo neural. Métodos: Utilizamos un estudio observacional descriptivo serie de casos transversal retrospectivo, donde analizamos los expedientes de los pacientes para encontrar aquellos con anomalías del tubo neural. Población: Aquellos pacientes que presentan anomalías del tubo neural en el Hospital Robert Reid Cabral entre los años 2017-2019. La muestra fue de 6 pacientes. Resultados: 3 pacientes masculinos, 2 pacientes femeninas y un paciente de sexo desconocido. 4 pacientes tenían menos de un año de edad, 2 pacientes entre 2 y 10 años y ningún paciente por encima de los 10 años, para una media de 8.8 meses. 2 masculinos y 2 femeninas presentaron complicaciones. 3 pacientes tuvieron complicaciones clínicas. 1 paciente tuvo una complicación quirúrgica. Discusión: La edad más común fue menos de 1 año de edad lo que implica una temprana presentación de los cuadros. Las complicaciones se presentaron en la misma cantidad en hembras y varones demostrando igualdad entre ambos sexos. Las complicaciones clínicas, como el retraso motor, fueron mas que las quirúrgicas, como la ruptura del saco meníngeo, indicando la importancia de un buen seguimiento por consulta de los pacientes con estas anomalías.
[English] Introduction: The neural tube is an embryonic structure that forms during the first month of gestation. There are different anomalies related to the neural structure such as anencephaly, encefalocele, spina bifida occulta, meningocele, and mielomeningocele. The most common complications are related to each malformation and accompanying presentations. Described are associated bone malformations, cognitive and motor type deficits, recurrent infectious diseases as meningitis, skin defects, and psychologic and psychiatric disorders. The complications are situations related to higher morbidity and mortality in patients with neural tube anomalies. Methods: We used a descriptive observational transversal retrospective case series design. Population: Those patients that present neural tube anomalies at Hospital Robert Reid Cabral between years 2017-2019. Total sample was 6 patients. Results: 3 male patients, 2 female patients, and one patient with unknown sex. 4 patients had less than 1 year of age, 2 patients where between 2 and 10 years old, and no patient was over 10 years of age, for a mean age of 8.8 months. 2 male and 2 female patients presented with complications. 3 patients had clinical complications. 1 patient had a surgical complication. Discussion: Most common age was less than one year, which implies an early presentation of this scenarios. Complications presented in the same amount in male and female patients, showing that complications occur at the same rate between sexes. Clinical complications, as motor delay, where more than surgical ones, as rupture of the herniated sac, indicating the importance of good follow up in the clinics for patients with these anomalies.
[English] Introduction: The neural tube is an embryonic structure that forms during the first month of gestation. There are different anomalies related to the neural structure such as anencephaly, encefalocele, spina bifida occulta, meningocele, and mielomeningocele. The most common complications are related to each malformation and accompanying presentations. Described are associated bone malformations, cognitive and motor type deficits, recurrent infectious diseases as meningitis, skin defects, and psychologic and psychiatric disorders. The complications are situations related to higher morbidity and mortality in patients with neural tube anomalies. Methods: We used a descriptive observational transversal retrospective case series design. Population: Those patients that present neural tube anomalies at Hospital Robert Reid Cabral between years 2017-2019. Total sample was 6 patients. Results: 3 male patients, 2 female patients, and one patient with unknown sex. 4 patients had less than 1 year of age, 2 patients where between 2 and 10 years old, and no patient was over 10 years of age, for a mean age of 8.8 months. 2 male and 2 female patients presented with complications. 3 patients had clinical complications. 1 patient had a surgical complication. Discussion: Most common age was less than one year, which implies an early presentation of this scenarios. Complications presented in the same amount in male and female patients, showing that complications occur at the same rate between sexes. Clinical complications, as motor delay, where more than surgical ones, as rupture of the herniated sac, indicating the importance of good follow up in the clinics for patients with these anomalies.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Medicina]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: