Publicación: Análisis de mercadeo del turismo deportivo en República Dominicana
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] La promoción es crucial para el buen desarrollo de un evento, negocio, producto y/o destino, por lo que, al momento de la planeación de los ya mencionados, la elaboración de un análisis es fundamental. El turismo deportivo es uno de los tipos de turismo que aportan más beneficios al desarrollo económico del país basado en la industria. Es por esto que muchos países se han enfocado en destacar y desarrollar el turismo deportivo, como es el ejemplo de España, los Emiratos Árabes (principalmente Dubái), Inglaterra, Singapur, entre otros. En el caso de la República Dominicana, en los últimos años el Gobierno y las empresas turísticas han tratado de desarrollar los denominados "nuevos nichos", enfocándose principalmente en el turismo deportivo, sostenible y cultural.
[English] Promotion is crucial for the proper development of an event, business, product and / or destination, so when planning those already mentioned, the development of an analysis is essential. Sports tourism is one of the types of tourism that brings the most benefits to the economic development of the country based on industry. This is why many countries have focused on highlighting and developing sports tourism, such as Spain, the United Arab Emirates (mainly Dubai), England, Singapore, among others ... In the case of the Dominican Republic, in recent years the government and tourism companies have tried to develop the so-called "new niches'', focusing mainly on sports, sustainable and cultural tourism.
[English] Promotion is crucial for the proper development of an event, business, product and / or destination, so when planning those already mentioned, the development of an analysis is essential. Sports tourism is one of the types of tourism that brings the most benefits to the economic development of the country based on industry. This is why many countries have focused on highlighting and developing sports tourism, such as Spain, the United Arab Emirates (mainly Dubai), England, Singapore, among others ... In the case of the Dominican Republic, in recent years the government and tourism companies have tried to develop the so-called "new niches'', focusing mainly on sports, sustainable and cultural tourism.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Dirección y Gestión del Turismo]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: