Publicación: Manual de prevención contra el Covid-19 en bodas boutique
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Este manual está creado para una buena gestión de prevención contra el covid en las bodas boutique. Con los lineamientos de seguridad adecuados para el entorno laboral y la protección de los espectadores durante los eventos. Dando a conocer ¿qué es el coronavirus, como se contagia, cuales son los síntomas? y cómo prevenir el contagio. Cuáles son las medidas y los protocolos de higiene antes, durantes y después de las bodas. Superando las expectativas, a través de las medidas adecuadas. Otorgando algunas herramientas como la ficha de las empresas o institutos que imparten una certificación sobre el protocolo de prevención contra el covid y otras pandemias. Creando conciencia entre los empleados y los invitados al usar mascarillas y tener una sana distancia. A la hora de elegir proveedores, tenemos que realizar un plan de cómo seleccionarlo meticulosamente para lograr tener mejor calidad. La cantidad de personas en un espacio cerrado como controlar el contagio. Con las precauciones adecuadas, señalizaciones y manteniendo una sana distancia podemos lograr reactivar los eventos nuevamente. Cómo planners o coordinadores debemos de mantener un suministro de los utensilios (geles antibacteriales, pañuelos desechables, termómetros antirojos, jabones de baño, etc.) de trabajo para las emergencias. En caso de casos de COVID-19 o sospechas que debemos de hacer ante la situación y cómo mantener el orden ante la situación.
[English] This manual is created for a good management of prevention against covid in boutique weddings. With the appropriate safety guidelines for the work environment and the protection of spectators during events. Making known what is the coronavirus, how is it spread, what are the symptoms? and how to prevent contagion. What are the hygiene measures and protocols before, during and after weddings? Exceeding expectations, through the appropriate measures. Giving some tools such as the file of the companies or institutes that impart a certification on the prevention protocol against covid and other pandemics. Creating awareness among employees and guests by wearing masks and having a healthy distance. When choosing suppliers, we have to make a plan of how to select them effectively to achieve better quality. The number of people in an enclosed space, how to control contagion. With the appropriate precautions, signs and maintaining a healthy distance we can reactivate the events again. As planners or coordinators we must maintain a supply of working utensils (antibacterial gels, tissues, anti-red thermometers, bath soaps, etc.) for emergencies. In case of COVID-19 cases or suspicions what we should do in the situation and how to maintain order in the situation.
[English] This manual is created for a good management of prevention against covid in boutique weddings. With the appropriate safety guidelines for the work environment and the protection of spectators during events. Making known what is the coronavirus, how is it spread, what are the symptoms? and how to prevent contagion. What are the hygiene measures and protocols before, during and after weddings? Exceeding expectations, through the appropriate measures. Giving some tools such as the file of the companies or institutes that impart a certification on the prevention protocol against covid and other pandemics. Creating awareness among employees and guests by wearing masks and having a healthy distance. When choosing suppliers, we have to make a plan of how to select them effectively to achieve better quality. The number of people in an enclosed space, how to control contagion. With the appropriate precautions, signs and maintaining a healthy distance we can reactivate the events again. As planners or coordinators we must maintain a supply of working utensils (antibacterial gels, tissues, anti-red thermometers, bath soaps, etc.) for emergencies. In case of COVID-19 cases or suspicions what we should do in the situation and how to maintain order in the situation.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Dirección y Gestión del Turismo]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: