Publicación: Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionadas con COVID-19 en los pacientes de la consulta de medicina familiar de Hospital Regional Dr. Marcelino Vélez Santana, en el período de abril-mayo del 2022
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Introducción: La teoría CAP (conocimientos actitudes y prácticas), es un enfoque teórico o herramienta de estudio utilizado en investigación en salud, este mismo evalúa la interrelación entre los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas y sus implicaciones en la salud. Dados los graves peligros para la salud del COVID-19 resulta crucial comprender la CAP entre los dominicanos, ya que todavía la pandemia no termina. Metodología: el presente estudio es de tipo observacional descriptivo y de corte trasversal prospectivo. El objetivo del estudio fue describir los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionadas con COVID-19 en los pacientes de la consulta de medicina Familiar de Hospital Regional Dr. Marcelino Vélez Santana en el periodo de abril-mayo del 2022. Se utilizó como instrumento un cuestionario tipo CAP, que fue aplicado a través de la técnica de la entrevista. Resultados: Se contó con 200 participantes, de estos el 57.5% (n=115) pertenecieron al sexo femenino, los pacientes con edades comprendidas entre 18-35, fueron los de mayor frecuencia (41.5%) en el estudio, siendo la edad promedio encontrada de 40.83 años. El 45% de los participantes resultó tener un nivel de conocimiento adecuado, el 64.5%, resultó tener una actitud positiva, el 59.5% de los participantes fueron catalogados como teniendo prácticas incorrectas. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran la interrelación existente entre los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas planteada por la teoría CAP. La educación y la religión se relacionan con el nivel de conocimientos, y la edad con el tipo de prácticas.
[English] Introduction: The KAP theory (knowledge, attitudes and practices) is a theoretical approach or study tool used in health research, it evaluates the interrelationship between knowledge, attitudes and practices and their implications for health. Given the serious health dangers of COVID-19, it is crucial to understand KAP among Dominicans, as the pandemic is not yet over. Methodology: the present study is descriptive observational and prospective cross-sectional. The aim of the study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to COVID-19 in the patients of the Family Medicine consultation of the Regional Hospital Dr. Marcelino Vélez Santana in the period from April to May 2022. A questionnaire was produced as an instrument KAP type, which was applied through the interview technique. Results: There were 200 participants, of these 57.5% (n=115) were female, patients aged between 18-35, were the most frequent (41.5%) in the study, being the average age found 40.83 years old. 45% of the participants turned out to have an adequate level of knowledge, 64.5% turned out to have a positive attitude, 59.5% of the participants were classified as having incorrect practices. Conclusion: The results show the interrelation between the knowledge, attitudes and practices proposed by the KAP theory. Education and religion are related to the level of knowledge, and age to the type of practices.
[English] Introduction: The KAP theory (knowledge, attitudes and practices) is a theoretical approach or study tool used in health research, it evaluates the interrelationship between knowledge, attitudes and practices and their implications for health. Given the serious health dangers of COVID-19, it is crucial to understand KAP among Dominicans, as the pandemic is not yet over. Methodology: the present study is descriptive observational and prospective cross-sectional. The aim of the study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices related to COVID-19 in the patients of the Family Medicine consultation of the Regional Hospital Dr. Marcelino Vélez Santana in the period from April to May 2022. A questionnaire was produced as an instrument KAP type, which was applied through the interview technique. Results: There were 200 participants, of these 57.5% (n=115) were female, patients aged between 18-35, were the most frequent (41.5%) in the study, being the average age found 40.83 years old. 45% of the participants turned out to have an adequate level of knowledge, 64.5% turned out to have a positive attitude, 59.5% of the participants were classified as having incorrect practices. Conclusion: The results show the interrelation between the knowledge, attitudes and practices proposed by the KAP theory. Education and religion are related to the level of knowledge, and age to the type of practices.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo final, Especialidad en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: