Publicación: Aplicaciones y efectividad de la cirugía guiada en la colocación de implantes dentales
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] El propósito de este estudio es evaluar cómo afecta el diseño de la guía quirúrgica a la colocación de los implantes dentales, determinar cuáles errores durante el procedimiento quirúrgico alteran el resultado planificado y evaluar la precisión de la colocación de los implantes. Para poder llevar a cabo la investigación, se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos consultando buscadores de salud como PubMed, BioMedCentral y ScienceDirect, Lilacs, además de bases de datos como EBSCO y CRAI, con restriccion de fecha hasta 2019, en el idioma inglés. Se han hecho restricciones respecto a los tipos de estudio de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis. Los implantes colocados con cirugía guiada en el maxilar presentan mayores desviaciones en comparación con los de la mandíbula, siendo estas diferencias más pronunciadas en el punto de entrada y la profundidad apical. La posición del implante puede verse influenciada por la altura de la manga guía y el diseño de la plantilla quirúrgica. El tipo de soporte, la altura de la manga guía y el tipo de material de la plantilla puede influir en la colocación del implante planificada. La técnica de cirugía guiada ofrece una mayor consistencia en la precisión de la colocación de los implantes frente a la técnica convencional. Los errores más comunes que afectan el resultado planificado son las distorsiones en las imágenes radiográficas, un incorrecto diseño de la guía, inestabilidad de la guía durante la perforación y la mala planificación preoperatoria.
[English] The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the design of the surgical guide affects dental implant placement, determine which errors during the surgical procedure alter the planned outcome, and assess the accuracy of implant placement. To conduct the research, a systematic review of scientific articles was performed using health search engines such as PubMed, BioMedCentral, and ScienceDirect, as well as databases like Lilacs, EBSCO, and CRAI, with a date restriction up to 2019, in the English language. Restrictions were made regarding the types of studies to include only systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Implants placed using guided surgery in the maxilla show greater deviations compared to those in the mandible, with these differences being more pronounced at the entry point and apical depth. The implant position can be influenced by the height of the guide sleeve and the design of the surgical template. The type of support, the height of the guide sleeve, and the type of template material can influence the planned implant placement. The guided surgery technique offers greater consistency in implant placement accuracy compared to the conventional technique. The most common errors affecting the planned outcome include distortions in radiographic images, incorrect guide design, instability of the guide during drilling, and poor preoperative planning.
[English] The purpose of this study is to evaluate how the design of the surgical guide affects dental implant placement, determine which errors during the surgical procedure alter the planned outcome, and assess the accuracy of implant placement. To conduct the research, a systematic review of scientific articles was performed using health search engines such as PubMed, BioMedCentral, and ScienceDirect, as well as databases like Lilacs, EBSCO, and CRAI, with a date restriction up to 2019, in the English language. Restrictions were made regarding the types of studies to include only systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Implants placed using guided surgery in the maxilla show greater deviations compared to those in the mandible, with these differences being more pronounced at the entry point and apical depth. The implant position can be influenced by the height of the guide sleeve and the design of the surgical template. The type of support, the height of the guide sleeve, and the type of template material can influence the planned implant placement. The guided surgery technique offers greater consistency in implant placement accuracy compared to the conventional technique. The most common errors affecting the planned outcome include distortions in radiographic images, incorrect guide design, instability of the guide during drilling, and poor preoperative planning.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: