Publicación: Impacto del seguimiento a través de los mensajes de texto direccionados a instrucciones posquirúrgicas en pacientes intervenidos en el programa de Cirugía Bucal e Implantes Dentales de la Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), en el período mayo-junio del 2023
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel de impacto que tiene el seguimiento a través de mensajes de texto direccionados a instrucciones posquirúrgicas en pacientes intervenidos en el programa de cirugía bucal e implantes dentales de UNIBE. 72 pacientes fueron intervenidos de los cuales 44 fueron femeninos y 28 masculinos, con una edad promedio de 34 años. Fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos grupos: grupo 1 mensajes de texto enviados vía WhatsApp diariamente durante 7 días y grupo 2 ningún mensaje de texto envidado. La frecuencia de sangrado, presencia o no de placa dentobacteriana en la zona quirúrgica, cumplimiento terapéutico, percepción del dolor e inflamación y la presencia o no de complicaciones postoperatorias fueron evaluados a los 7 días postquirúrgicos. Los resultados fueron sometidos a prueba de independencia Chi-cuadrado. En la frecuencia del sangrado no hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambos grupos P=0.314. El tipo de sangrado postquirúrgico P=0.000, lo que indica que sí hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa. El 92,2% de los pacientes del grupo 1 no presentó placa dentobacteriana en la zona quirúrgica P= 0.000. El nivel de cumplimiento terapéutico fue favorable para el grupo 1 P=0.000. Hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la percepción del dolor e inflamación. La presencia o no de complicaciones postoperatorias no tuvo diferencia estadísticamente significativa P=0.075. Se concluyó que, los mensajes de texto enviados vía WhatsApp a pacientes que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente, tienen un impacto positivo en el comportamiento de los pacientes y adherencia a las instrucciones dadas por el operador, durante el postquirúrgico.
[English] The objective of this study was to determine the level of impact of follow-up through text messages addressed to post-surgical instructions in patients operated on in the UNIBE oral surgery and dental implants program. 72 patients underwent surgery, of which 44 were female and 28 males, with an average age of 34 years. They were randomly assigned to two groups: group 1 sent text messages via WhatsApp daily for 7 days and group 2 sent no text messages. The frequency of bleeding, presence or absence of dental plaque in the surgical area, therapeutic compliance, perception of pain and inflammation, and the presence or absence of postoperative complications were evaluated 7 days after surgery. The results were subjected to a Chi-square test of independence. In the frequency of bleeding there was no statistically significant difference between both groups P=0.314. The type of post-surgical bleeding P=0.000, which indicates that there was a statistically significant difference. 92.2% of the patients in group 1 did not present dental plaque in the surgical area P= 0.000. The level of therapeutic compliance was favorable for group 1 P=0.000. There was a statistically significant difference in the perception of pain and inflammation. The presence or absence of postoperative complications had no statistically significant difference P=0.075. It was concluded that text messages sent via WhatsApp to patients who underwent surgery have a positive impact on patient behavior and adherence to the instructions given by the operator during the post-surgical period.
[English] The objective of this study was to determine the level of impact of follow-up through text messages addressed to post-surgical instructions in patients operated on in the UNIBE oral surgery and dental implants program. 72 patients underwent surgery, of which 44 were female and 28 males, with an average age of 34 years. They were randomly assigned to two groups: group 1 sent text messages via WhatsApp daily for 7 days and group 2 sent no text messages. The frequency of bleeding, presence or absence of dental plaque in the surgical area, therapeutic compliance, perception of pain and inflammation, and the presence or absence of postoperative complications were evaluated 7 days after surgery. The results were subjected to a Chi-square test of independence. In the frequency of bleeding there was no statistically significant difference between both groups P=0.314. The type of post-surgical bleeding P=0.000, which indicates that there was a statistically significant difference. 92.2% of the patients in group 1 did not present dental plaque in the surgical area P= 0.000. The level of therapeutic compliance was favorable for group 1 P=0.000. There was a statistically significant difference in the perception of pain and inflammation. The presence or absence of postoperative complications had no statistically significant difference P=0.075. It was concluded that text messages sent via WhatsApp to patients who underwent surgery have a positive impact on patient behavior and adherence to the instructions given by the operator during the post-surgical period.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de postgrado, Maestría en Cirugía Bucal e Implantes Dentales]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: