Publicación: Encuéntrame RD - optimización del proceso de búsqueda de personas desaparecidas en hospitales y destacamentos : apoyo a través de aplicación móvil y web
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] En República Dominicana, la desaparición de personas es una problemática preocupante y produce incertidumbre entre los familiares y conocidos de las personas que buscan. En nuestro país es común, que ingresen personas sin identificación alguna a centros médicos y destacamentos policiales, convirtiendo la situación en un desafío para familiares y amigos debido a que estos no tienen el conocimiento de lo ocurrido y genera angustia a la hora de localizarlos. Por otro lado, se encuentran los casos de personas fallecidas que son ingresadas en centros como el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses (INACIF), donde sus cuerpos no son identificados y quedan sin reclamar, y transcurrido un tiempo estos son sepultados en cementerios. Encuéntrame RD tiene el propósito de optimizar el proceso de búsqueda de personas desaparecidas en hospitales y destacamentos policiales a través del desarrollo de una aplicación web y móvil. A través del portal web, las instituciones podrán difundir información de personas no identificadas o de quienes se desconoce datos de familiares o conocidos. Los usuarios a través de la aplicación móvil podrán acceder a estas publicaciones y visualizar la ubicación en tiempo real de las personas ingresadas y en caso de lograr identificar a una persona que buscan, podrán establecer contacto directo con el centro médico o destacamento.
[English] In the Dominican Republic, the disappearance of people is a concerning issue and produces uncertainty among the relatives and acquaintances of the people they are looking for. In our country it is common for people without any identification to enter medical centers and police stations, turning the situation into a challenge for family and friends because they do not have the knowledge of what happened and generates anguish when locating them. On the other hand, there are cases of deceased people who are admitted to centers such as the National Institute of Forensic Science (INACIF), where their bodies remain unidentified and unclaimed, and eventually they are buried in cemeteries. Encuéntrame RD has the purpose of optimizing the search process for missing persons in hospitals and police stations through the development of a web and mobile application. Through the web portal, institutions will be able to disseminate information about unidentified persons or from whom data from relatives or acquaintances is unknown. Users through the mobile application will be able to access these publications and view the real-time location of the people admitted and in case they manage to identify a person they are looking for, they will be able to establish direct contact with the medical center or detachment.
[English] In the Dominican Republic, the disappearance of people is a concerning issue and produces uncertainty among the relatives and acquaintances of the people they are looking for. In our country it is common for people without any identification to enter medical centers and police stations, turning the situation into a challenge for family and friends because they do not have the knowledge of what happened and generates anguish when locating them. On the other hand, there are cases of deceased people who are admitted to centers such as the National Institute of Forensic Science (INACIF), where their bodies remain unidentified and unclaimed, and eventually they are buried in cemeteries. Encuéntrame RD has the purpose of optimizing the search process for missing persons in hospitals and police stations through the development of a web and mobile application. Through the web portal, institutions will be able to disseminate information about unidentified persons or from whom data from relatives or acquaintances is unknown. Users through the mobile application will be able to access these publications and view the real-time location of the people admitted and in case they manage to identify a person they are looking for, they will be able to establish direct contact with the medical center or detachment.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Proyecto final de grado, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: