Publicación: Asociación entre la enfermedad periodontal y embarazo
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Este estudio descriptivo, no experimental, exploratorio, inductivo y de análisis y síntesis, cuyo objetivo principal es determinar si existe asociación entre la enfermedad periodontal y el embarazo.1 Se llevó a cabo una revisión literaria conociendo las características y factores predisponentes de la enfermedad periodontal y los cambios que sufre la mujer durante el embarazo, así como una búsqueda de los términos claves: enfermedad periodontal y embarazo, bajo peso y prematuridad, salud periodontal, hormonas sexuales femeninas, enfermedad periodontal y factores socioeconómicos y escolaridad. En esta revisión de literatura se determinó la gran asociación existente entre la enfermedad periodontal y el embarazo, así como su relación con las hormonas sexuales femeninas, el bajo peso y prematuridad, factores socioeconómicos y escolaridad, a parte de la importancia que presenta la higiene bucodental en estas pacientes.
[English] This descriptive, non-experimental, exploratory, inductive and analysis and synthesis study, whose main objective is to determine if there is an association between periodontal disease and pregnancy. 1 A literary review was carried out knowing the characteristics and predisposing factors of periodontal disease and the changes that women undergo during pregnancy, as well as a search for the key terms: periodontal disease and pregnancy, low weight and prematurity, periodontal health, female sex hormones, periodontal disease, and socioeconomic factors and schooling. In this literature review, the great association between periodontal disease and pregnancy was determined, as well as its relationship with female sex hormones, low weight and prematurity, socioeconomic factors and schooling, apart from the importance of oral hygiene. in these patients.
[English] This descriptive, non-experimental, exploratory, inductive and analysis and synthesis study, whose main objective is to determine if there is an association between periodontal disease and pregnancy. 1 A literary review was carried out knowing the characteristics and predisposing factors of periodontal disease and the changes that women undergo during pregnancy, as well as a search for the key terms: periodontal disease and pregnancy, low weight and prematurity, periodontal health, female sex hormones, periodontal disease, and socioeconomic factors and schooling. In this literature review, the great association between periodontal disease and pregnancy was determined, as well as its relationship with female sex hormones, low weight and prematurity, socioeconomic factors and schooling, apart from the importance of oral hygiene. in these patients.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: