Publicación: Manejo del paciente con terapia anticoagulante sometidos a implantes dentales
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] La terapia con implantes dentales es una alternativa odontológica, elaborado con materiales aloplásticos inertes que se incrustan en el maxilar y/o mandíbula para manejo de la pérdida de dientes y para ayudar a reemplazar estructuras orofaciales pérdidas como resultado de un trauma o defectos congénitos. Pero según el historial clínico del paciente se debe ejecutar un manejo odontológico específico. Aún más, cuando este se esté sometiendo a una terapia de anticoagulantes. Por lo que, el objetivo de esta revisión de literatura es identificar el manejo del paciente con terapia anticoagulante sometidos a implantes dentales. Siendo así, necesario conocer los anticoagulantes y cómo funcionan en el sistema. Luego de realizar una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos y comparar sus conclusiones en la discusión se concluyó que, no es necesario interrumpir la terapia con anticoagulantes para llevar a cabo cualquier procedimiento dental. También, basado en los artículos y discutidos, se concluye que no hay ningún riesgo de sangrado en el postoperatorio.
[English] Dental implant therapy is a dental alternative, made with inert alloplastic materials that are embedded in the maxilla or mandible to manage tooth loss and to help replace lost orofacial structures as a result of trauma or birth defects. But depending on the patient's medical history, specific dental management must be performed when he undergoes an anticoagulant therapy. The objective of this literature review is to identify the management of patients with anticoagulant therapy undergoing dental implants. Thus, it is necessary to know about anticoagulants and how they work in the system. After conducting a systematic review of scientific articles and comparing their conclusions in the discussion, it was concluded that it is not necessary to interrupt anticoagulant therapy to carry out any dental procedure. Also, based on the articles and discussed, it is concluded that there is no risk of bleeding in the postoperative period.
[English] Dental implant therapy is a dental alternative, made with inert alloplastic materials that are embedded in the maxilla or mandible to manage tooth loss and to help replace lost orofacial structures as a result of trauma or birth defects. But depending on the patient's medical history, specific dental management must be performed when he undergoes an anticoagulant therapy. The objective of this literature review is to identify the management of patients with anticoagulant therapy undergoing dental implants. Thus, it is necessary to know about anticoagulants and how they work in the system. After conducting a systematic review of scientific articles and comparing their conclusions in the discussion, it was concluded that it is not necessary to interrupt anticoagulant therapy to carry out any dental procedure. Also, based on the articles and discussed, it is concluded that there is no risk of bleeding in the postoperative period.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: