Publicación: Estudio comparativo de cambios dimensionales del alginato sometido a desinfección por inmersión y por método de aerosol
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Objetivos: Comparar los cambios dimensionales del hidrocoloide irreversible (alginato) sometido a desinfección por inmersión y por método de aerosol e identificar el que proporciona menos cambios en el mismo. Metodología: Se realizaron tres grupos de diez muestras del hidrocoloide irreversible; (1) el grupo control, (2) el grupo de desinfección por aerosol (Zeta 7 Spray) y (3) el grupo de desinfección por inmersión (Glutadina). No se realizó ningún procedimiento de desinfección para el grupo control. Cada muestra se midió en tres intervalos: inmediatamente después de la fabricación de las muestras, después del período de inmersión y después de 24h de almacenamiento. Las longitudes de las muestras se midieron con el microscopio digital (INSIZE ISM- PM200SB). Resultados: A nivel general se observó que las mayores variaciones de las muestras del hidrocoloide irreversible fueron horizontales. El cambio dimensional más alto se observó en el grupo horizontal (D1 y D2) de la Glutadina y el cambio dimensional más bajo se observó en el grupo (A1 y A2) del Zeta 7 spray. Discusión y conclusión: Se observaron cambios dimensionales en todos los grupos estudiados, los cuales fueron clínicamente aceptables. La mayor estabilidad dimensional se observó en el grupo (Zeta 7 spray).
[English] Aim: To compare the dimensional changes of the irreversible hydrocolloid (alginate) subjected to disinfection by immersion and by the aerosol method and to identify the one that provides the least changes in it. Methodology: Three groups of ten samples of the irreversible hydrocolloid were made; (1) the control group, (2) the spray disinfection group (Zeta 7 Spray), and (3) the immersion disinfection group (Glutadine). No disinfection procedure was performed for the control group. Each sample was measured at three intervals: immediately after sample fabrication, after the immersion period, and after 24h storage. The lengths of the samples were measured with a digital microscope (INSIZE ISM-PM200SB). Results: At a general level, it was observed that the greatest variations of the irreversible hydrocolloid samples were horizontal. The highest dimensional change was observed in the horizontal group (D1 and D2) of Glutadine and the lowest dimensional change was observed in the group (A1 and A2) of Zeta 7 spray. Discussion and conclusion: Dimensional changes were observed in all groups studied, which were clinically acceptable. The highest dimensional stability was observed in the group (Zeta 7 spray).
[English] Aim: To compare the dimensional changes of the irreversible hydrocolloid (alginate) subjected to disinfection by immersion and by the aerosol method and to identify the one that provides the least changes in it. Methodology: Three groups of ten samples of the irreversible hydrocolloid were made; (1) the control group, (2) the spray disinfection group (Zeta 7 Spray), and (3) the immersion disinfection group (Glutadine). No disinfection procedure was performed for the control group. Each sample was measured at three intervals: immediately after sample fabrication, after the immersion period, and after 24h storage. The lengths of the samples were measured with a digital microscope (INSIZE ISM-PM200SB). Results: At a general level, it was observed that the greatest variations of the irreversible hydrocolloid samples were horizontal. The highest dimensional change was observed in the horizontal group (D1 and D2) of Glutadine and the lowest dimensional change was observed in the group (A1 and A2) of Zeta 7 spray. Discussion and conclusion: Dimensional changes were observed in all groups studied, which were clinically acceptable. The highest dimensional stability was observed in the group (Zeta 7 spray).
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de postgrado, Maestría en Rehabilitación Bucal e Implantes Dentales]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: