Publicación: Estabilidad de color entre la resina acrílica convencional PMMA y el bis-acrílico BIS-GMA
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Los provisionales sirven como guía para un procedimiento restaurador exitoso, protegen los pilares preparados, ayudan a restablecer los parámetros oclusales, definir el contorno y el color de la preparación. Este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo principal, la evaluación de la estabilidad de color de la resina acrílica convencional (PMMA) y del bis-acrílico (BIS-GMA) mediante un estudio in vitro, con el propósito de definir cuál de estos dos materiales de restauración provisional van a proporcionar un mejor rendimiento y la estética adecuada. El método a emplear será a través de la confección de dichos materiales, aplicando las indicaciones de los fabricantes, donde serán sumergidos en distintas sustancias pigmentantes de uso cotidiano (café, soda y vino tinto) por un tiempo específico. Los cambios del color de los materiales provisionales serán valorados utilizando el colorímetros y el espectrofotómetros. Para así determinar los parámetros e indicaciones en que pueden ser empleados cada uno de estos materiales en un caso específico.
[English] The provisionals serve as a guide for a successful restorative procedure, as they protect the prepared abutments and help to restore the occlusal parameters, define the contour and color of the preparation. The main objective of this research project is to evaluate the color stability of conventional acrylic resin (PMMA) and bis-acrylic resin (BIS-GMA) through an in vitro study, with the purpose of defining which of these two materials Provisional restorations will provide better performance and proper aesthetics. The method to be used will be through the preparation of said materials, applying the manufacturers' instructions, where they will be immersed in different pigment substances of daily use (coffee, soda and red wine) for a specific time. Changes in the color of the provisional materials will be assessed using colorimeters and spectrophotometers. In order to determine the parameters and indications in which each of these materials can be used in a specific case.
[English] The provisionals serve as a guide for a successful restorative procedure, as they protect the prepared abutments and help to restore the occlusal parameters, define the contour and color of the preparation. The main objective of this research project is to evaluate the color stability of conventional acrylic resin (PMMA) and bis-acrylic resin (BIS-GMA) through an in vitro study, with the purpose of defining which of these two materials Provisional restorations will provide better performance and proper aesthetics. The method to be used will be through the preparation of said materials, applying the manufacturers' instructions, where they will be immersed in different pigment substances of daily use (coffee, soda and red wine) for a specific time. Changes in the color of the provisional materials will be assessed using colorimeters and spectrophotometers. In order to determine the parameters and indications in which each of these materials can be used in a specific case.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: