Publicación: Optimización de los procesos de preservación, monitoreo, protección y detección de riesgos en áreas protegidas de la República Dominicana. Caso Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo: apoyo a través de la inteligencia artificial e internet de las cosas
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Los recursos naturales de una nación son muestras representativas del patrimonio natural y su valor es inconmensurable. Ofrecen sostén, bienestar, nutrición, vitalidad y calidad de vida a todos los seres vivos que coexisten dentro de sí. En la vía de nuestro desarrollo como país es necesario enfocar esfuerzos en la preservación y protección de la flora y fauna de nuestros ecosistemas, para asegurar la sostenibilidad de este. Dentro de la diversidad de reservas forestales que tiene la República Dominicana hemos incluido uno de los parques más importantes y vulnerables en temas de incendios forestales, tala ilegal de árboles y actividades agropecuarias, el Parque Nacional Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier o Parque Valle Nuevo en Constanza (región norte). Aclamado por sus condiciones favorables al turismo de montaña, el clima frío y montañoso, con temperaturas que oscilan entre los 14°C y 22°C provee la posibilidad de múltiples oportunidades de acercarse a la naturaleza: caminatas, cabalgatas, ciclismo de montaña, observación de aves, etc. Con una extensión de 902𝑘𝑚2, es el hogar de más de 500 especies de plantas, de las cuales 138 son endémicas de Valle Nuevo, así como una numerosa variedad de especies de anfibios, mariposas y aves. Mientras nos acercamos cada vez más a la industria 5.0, y nuestro país avanza hacia de las disrupciones tecnológicas de los nuevos tiempos, es de gran importancia plantearnos sistemas de monitoreo, preservación y protección de áreas protegidas más eficaces que custodien nuestras reservas naturales de las amenazas que las afectan. Esto puede ser posible usando sistemas automatizados a través de recursos de inteligencia artificial.
[English] The natural resources of a nation a representative sample of the natural heritage and their value is immeasurable. They offer support, wellbeing, nutrition, vitality, and quality of life to all living beings that coexist within them. In the path of our development as a country, it is necessary to focus our efforts on the preservation and protection of the local flora and fauna to ensure its sustainability. Within the wide diversity of forest reserves that the Dominican Republic has, we have included one of the most important and vulnerable protected areas in terms of forest fires, illegal logging, and farming, the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, most commonly known as Valle Nuevo National Park in Constanza (north region). Acclaimed for its favorable conditions for mountain tourism, the cold and mountainous climate, with temperatures ranging between 14C° and 22° C, provides the possibility of multiple opportunities to get closer to nature: walk, horseback riding, mountain biking, observation of birds, etcetera. With an approximate extension of 902 𝑘𝑚2, it is home to more than five hundred species of plants, of which 138 are endemic to Valle Nuevo, as well as a large variety of species of amphibians, butterflies, and birds. As we move closer to industry 5.0, and our country moves towards the technological disruptions of the modern times, it is of significant importance to consider effective monitoring, preservation ad protection systems for protected areas that safeguard our natural reserves from threat that affect them. This may be possible using automated systems and artificial intelligence resources.
[English] The natural resources of a nation a representative sample of the natural heritage and their value is immeasurable. They offer support, wellbeing, nutrition, vitality, and quality of life to all living beings that coexist within them. In the path of our development as a country, it is necessary to focus our efforts on the preservation and protection of the local flora and fauna to ensure its sustainability. Within the wide diversity of forest reserves that the Dominican Republic has, we have included one of the most important and vulnerable protected areas in terms of forest fires, illegal logging, and farming, the Juan Bautista Pérez Rancier National Park, most commonly known as Valle Nuevo National Park in Constanza (north region). Acclaimed for its favorable conditions for mountain tourism, the cold and mountainous climate, with temperatures ranging between 14C° and 22° C, provides the possibility of multiple opportunities to get closer to nature: walk, horseback riding, mountain biking, observation of birds, etcetera. With an approximate extension of 902 𝑘𝑚2, it is home to more than five hundred species of plants, of which 138 are endemic to Valle Nuevo, as well as a large variety of species of amphibians, butterflies, and birds. As we move closer to industry 5.0, and our country moves towards the technological disruptions of the modern times, it is of significant importance to consider effective monitoring, preservation ad protection systems for protected areas that safeguard our natural reserves from threat that affect them. This may be possible using automated systems and artificial intelligence resources.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: