Publicación: Sinusitis maxilar de origen odontogénico: revisión de literatura
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] La sinusitis maxilar odontogénica es una enfermedad que se produce por una inflamación de la membrana sinusal o de Schneider cuando existen infecciones dentales periapicales, enfermedad periodontal, patologías óseas maxilares, iatrogenias durante procedimientos o migración de cuerpos extraños al interior del seno maxilar. Los síntomas que la caracterizan son rinorrea y dolor facial unilateral, odontalgia e inflamación gingival. Se requiere un examen dental, historia clínica y uso de tomografía computarizada para su diagnóstico y adecuada planificación del manejo. El tratamiento consiste en antibioterapia, tratamiento para eliminar el foco etiológico dental y abordaje quirúrgico de la patología sinusal. Objetivo: Investigar las generalidades de la sinusitis odontógena. Método: Se utilizó el método de Análisis y Síntesis. La información se recopiló en un análisis exhaustivo de artículos, libros e investigaciones previas realizadas. Conclusión: El diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta afección requiere un manejo interdisciplinario. La incidencia actual de esta patología revela la necesidad de reconocerla como una enfermedad importante con la cual todos los odontólogos deben estar familiarizados para prevenirla o tratarla cuando sea necesario.
[English] Chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is a disease that is produced by an inflammation of the Schneider membrane when there are periapical dental infections, periodontal disease, maxillary bone pathologies, iatrogenesis during procedures, or migration of foreign bodies into the maxillary sinus. Characteristic symptoms are rhinorrhea and unilateral facial pain, toothache, and gingival inflammation. A dental examination, medical history, and the use of computed tomography are required for its diagnosis and adequate management planning. Treatment consists of antibiotic therapy, treatment to eliminate the dental etiological focus, and a surgical approach to sinus disease. Objective: To investigate the generalities of odontogenic sinusitis. Method: The Analysis and Synthesis method was used. The information was compiled in a comprehensive analysis of articles, books, and previous research conducted. Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of this condition require interdisciplinary management. The current incidence of this pathology reveals the need to recognize it as a significant disease with which all dentists must be familiar to prevent or treat it when necessary.
[English] Chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is a disease that is produced by an inflammation of the Schneider membrane when there are periapical dental infections, periodontal disease, maxillary bone pathologies, iatrogenesis during procedures, or migration of foreign bodies into the maxillary sinus. Characteristic symptoms are rhinorrhea and unilateral facial pain, toothache, and gingival inflammation. A dental examination, medical history, and the use of computed tomography are required for its diagnosis and adequate management planning. Treatment consists of antibiotic therapy, treatment to eliminate the dental etiological focus, and a surgical approach to sinus disease. Objective: To investigate the generalities of odontogenic sinusitis. Method: The Analysis and Synthesis method was used. The information was compiled in a comprehensive analysis of articles, books, and previous research conducted. Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of this condition require interdisciplinary management. The current incidence of this pathology reveals the need to recognize it as a significant disease with which all dentists must be familiar to prevent or treat it when necessary.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: