Publicación: Comparación de luz emitida en diferentes lámparas de fotopolimerización : estudio in vitro
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] Objetivo: El objetivo general de este estudio es comparar los niveles de luz emitida generada por diferentes lámparas de fotocurado tipo LED (LFC). Métodos: Se realizó un estudio in vitro en el cual se midió la intensidad de luz mediante un radiómetro en una muestra de ocho lámparas de fotopolimerización tipo LED. Se verificó que la condición de la parte activa de las lámparas de fotopolimerización fuera adecuada y el estado de la batería estuviera en 100%. Resultados: En este estudio se obtuvo como resultado que el 100% de las LFC evaluadas emiten una intensidad de luz mayor a 400 mW/cm2 por lo cual se consideran adecuadas para el uso odontológico siempre que se utilicen tiempos de fotocurado adecuados. Conclusión: De las ocho lámparas de fotopolimerización tipo LED evaluadas, se concluye que el 100% de ellas presentan intensidades aceptables para la correcta polimerización de los materiales odontológicos. Las características que se deben tener en cuenta al comprar y utilizar una lámpara de fotopolimerización tipo LED son las siguientes: una luz emitida mínima de 500 mW /cm2 y máxima de 4,000 mW/cm2 y el diámetro de la punta se sugiere que sea de 9 a 11 mm. Se recomienda verificar periódicamente las condiciones de la LFC con el objetivo de detectar algún daño que pudiera estar alterando el funcionamiento de esta y siempre leer las indicaciones del fabricante para llevar a cabo una polimerización adecuada.
[English] Objective: The general objective of this study is to compare the levels of emitted light generated by different LED-type curing lamps (LCL). Methods: An in vitro study was carried out in which the light intensity was measured by a radiometer in a sample of eight LED-type photopolymerization lamps. It was verified that the condition of the active part of the curing lamps was adequate and the state of the battery was at 100%. Results: In this study, the result was that 100% of the LCLs evaluated emit a light intensity greater than 400 mW/cm2, for which they are considered suitable for dental use as long as adequate light-curing times are used. Conclusion: Of the eight LED-type photopolymerization lamps evaluated, it is concluded that 100% of them have acceptable intensities for the correct polymerization of dental materials. The characteristics that must be taken in consideration when buying and using an LED-type curing light are the following: a minimum emitted light of 500 mW/cm2 and a maximum of 4,000 mW/cm2 and the diameter of the active part is suggested to be 9 to 11mm. It is recommended to periodically check the conditions of the LCL in order to detect any damage that could be altering its operation and always read the manufacturer's instructions to carry out an adequate polymerization.
[English] Objective: The general objective of this study is to compare the levels of emitted light generated by different LED-type curing lamps (LCL). Methods: An in vitro study was carried out in which the light intensity was measured by a radiometer in a sample of eight LED-type photopolymerization lamps. It was verified that the condition of the active part of the curing lamps was adequate and the state of the battery was at 100%. Results: In this study, the result was that 100% of the LCLs evaluated emit a light intensity greater than 400 mW/cm2, for which they are considered suitable for dental use as long as adequate light-curing times are used. Conclusion: Of the eight LED-type photopolymerization lamps evaluated, it is concluded that 100% of them have acceptable intensities for the correct polymerization of dental materials. The characteristics that must be taken in consideration when buying and using an LED-type curing light are the following: a minimum emitted light of 500 mW/cm2 and a maximum of 4,000 mW/cm2 and the diameter of the active part is suggested to be 9 to 11mm. It is recommended to periodically check the conditions of the LCL in order to detect any damage that could be altering its operation and always read the manufacturer's instructions to carry out an adequate polymerization.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Odontología]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: