Publicación: Proceso de alfabetización en niños y niñas con trastorno del espectro autista
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito analizar el proceso de alfabetización en niños y niñas con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), exponiendo la importancia de promover el adecuado abordaje en el aula, de parte de los docentes y las familias. Para promover una intervención que respete las características individuales de cada niño y niña con TEA. Dado que en las aulas se evidencia la falta de dinamismo y creatividad por parte del docente en la elaboración de actividades e implementación de estrategias que requieren en dicho proceso. Se evidencia en la descripción de los diferentes autores, la búsqueda de información acerca del proceso de alfabetización y exposición a diferentes metodologías que favorecen el proceso de lecto escritura en los niños y niñas con TEA. Para esta investigación es relevante la facilitación de información para las familias y los docentes involucrados en dicho proceso. Es importante obtener un conocimiento más amplio a la hora de trabajar en el aula y en la casa, ya que los avances han demostrado que se pueden trabajar con diferentes procedimientos y técnicas para mejorar la calidad de vida en las personas con autismo. Destacando la importancia social y cultural que implica aprender a leer y escribir para obtener mayor independencia y autonomía en su contexto natural. El proceso de alfabetización y el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura por parte de los niños y las niñas con TEA, ya que presenta una gran relevancia dentro de las habilidades funcionales que les puede servir como herramienta en su desarrollo socio cultural. De igual manera, ha quedado evidenciado la importancia de la preparación y el conocimiento por parte del docente en el trastorno del espectro autista para ser capaces de manejar los retos, la búsqueda de estrategias, actividades, recursos y apoyo que deben dar al alumno como a las familias con la plena participación del centro de manera integral. Igualmente, las familias deben conocer el desarrollo del proceso de la alfabetización y las características generales y propias de sus hijos e hijas con autismo. La investigación se trata de una investigación de tipo analítico documental con un enfoque cualitativo.
[English] The purpose of this work was to analyze the literacy process in boys and girls with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), exposing the importance of promoting the appropriate approach in the classroom, on the part of teachers and families. To promote an intervention that respects the individual characteristics of each boy and girl with ASD. Given that in the classrooms there is evidence of the lack of dynamism and creativity on the part of the teacher in the development of activities and implementation of strategies required in said process. It is evident in the description of the different authors, the search for information about the literacy process and exposure to different methodologies that favor the literacy process in children with ASD. For this research, the provision of information for families and teachers involved in said process is relevant. It is important to obtain a broader knowledge when working in the classroom and at home, since advances have shown that different procedures and techniques can be used to improve the quality of life in people with autism. Highlighting the social and cultural importance of learning to read and write to obtain greater independence and autonomy in their natural context. The literacy process and the learning of reading and writing by boys and girls with ASD, as it is highly relevant within functional skills that can serve as a tool in their socio- cultural development. In the same way, the importance of preparation and knowledge on the part of the teacher in autism spectrum disorder has been evidenced to be able to handle the challenges, the search for strategies, activities, resources, and support that they should give to the student, as well as to families with the full participation of the center in a comprehensive manner. Likewise, families must know the development of the literacy process and the general characteristics and characteristics of their sons and daughters with autism. The research is an analytical documentary type of research with a qualitative approach.
[English] The purpose of this work was to analyze the literacy process in boys and girls with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), exposing the importance of promoting the appropriate approach in the classroom, on the part of teachers and families. To promote an intervention that respects the individual characteristics of each boy and girl with ASD. Given that in the classrooms there is evidence of the lack of dynamism and creativity on the part of the teacher in the development of activities and implementation of strategies required in said process. It is evident in the description of the different authors, the search for information about the literacy process and exposure to different methodologies that favor the literacy process in children with ASD. For this research, the provision of information for families and teachers involved in said process is relevant. It is important to obtain a broader knowledge when working in the classroom and at home, since advances have shown that different procedures and techniques can be used to improve the quality of life in people with autism. Highlighting the social and cultural importance of learning to read and write to obtain greater independence and autonomy in their natural context. The literacy process and the learning of reading and writing by boys and girls with ASD, as it is highly relevant within functional skills that can serve as a tool in their socio- cultural development. In the same way, the importance of preparation and knowledge on the part of the teacher in autism spectrum disorder has been evidenced to be able to handle the challenges, the search for strategies, activities, resources, and support that they should give to the student, as well as to families with the full participation of the center in a comprehensive manner. Likewise, families must know the development of the literacy process and the general characteristics and characteristics of their sons and daughters with autism. The research is an analytical documentary type of research with a qualitative approach.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo final, Maestría en Intervención Psicopedagógica]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: