Publicación: Asistencia automatizada de agendado de citas médicas para consultorio odontológico especializado en la República Dominicana : CopList
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Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
[Español] De cierto es que la tecnología con el paso del tiempo ha ido evolucionando y cambiando el estilo de vida del ser humano. En la actualidad, esta se ha introducido en cada área y aspecto de nuestra cotidianidad, posicionándose como un aspecto principal en el desarrollo de las actividades empresariales y personales. Lo que en años anteriores se pensó que era una predicción lejana, ya en pleno dos mil veintidós se ha convertido en una realidad irrefutable: la tecnología tiene un papel importante dentro de nuestra vida. La misma se encuentra abarcando áreas desde la agricultura hasta la salud, donde ha mostrado sus beneficios dentro de la evolución humana. Podemos afirmar partiendo de la relevancia de la tecnología en el presente que esta seguirá en una constante evolución, formando parte esencial de nuestro futuro y buscando que el usuario, al momento de utilizarla, pueda contar con una calidad de vida considerablemente mejorada. Teniendo en cuenta esta aserción, surgen preguntas relacionadas a las personas y/o entidades que se resisten a estos cambios ya sea o no por ignorancia de lo beneficioso que sería implementar sistemas que faciliten procesos dentro de sus negocios como, por ejemplo, en el agendado de citas, donde sigue siendo común utilizar métodos obsoletos para este proceso. Por dicha razón, estaremos dejando a su consideración un sistema de asistencia automatizada de agendado de citas médicas enfocado en el área de la odontología, con el fin de la eliminación de la brecha digital y la brecha cognitiva en este proceso dentro del campo mencionado.
[English] It is true that technology over time has been evolving and changing the lifestyle of the human being. Nowadays, this (technology) has been introduced in every area and aspect of our daily life, positioning itself as a main aspect in the development of business and personal activities. What in previous years was thought to be a distant prediction, already in full two thousand twenty-two has become an irrefutable reality: technology has an important role in our life. It covers areas from agriculture to health, where it has shown its benefits within human evolution. We can affirm from the relevance of technology in the present that it will continue in a constant development, forming an essential part of our future and seeking that the user, when using it, can count on a considerably improved quality of life. Considering this assertion, questions arise related to people and/or entities that resist these changes out of ignorance of how beneficial it would be to implement systems that facilitate processes within their businesses, as, for example, in the appointment schedule, where it is still common to use outdated methods for this process. For this reason, we will be leaving for your consideration an automated assistance system of Medical Appointment Scheduler focused on the area of dentistry, to eliminate the digital divide and the cognitive gap in this process within the mentioned field.
[English] It is true that technology over time has been evolving and changing the lifestyle of the human being. Nowadays, this (technology) has been introduced in every area and aspect of our daily life, positioning itself as a main aspect in the development of business and personal activities. What in previous years was thought to be a distant prediction, already in full two thousand twenty-two has become an irrefutable reality: technology has an important role in our life. It covers areas from agriculture to health, where it has shown its benefits within human evolution. We can affirm from the relevance of technology in the present that it will continue in a constant development, forming an essential part of our future and seeking that the user, when using it, can count on a considerably improved quality of life. Considering this assertion, questions arise related to people and/or entities that resist these changes out of ignorance of how beneficial it would be to implement systems that facilitate processes within their businesses, as, for example, in the appointment schedule, where it is still common to use outdated methods for this process. For this reason, we will be leaving for your consideration an automated assistance system of Medical Appointment Scheduler focused on the area of dentistry, to eliminate the digital divide and the cognitive gap in this process within the mentioned field.
Apellido, Nombre del autor (año). Título del trabajo. [Trabajo de grado, Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación]. Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Recuperado de: