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Título : Contribution to the CityLab Student Competition, Erasmus + Citylab CAR Project “Engaging students in sustainable Caribbean cities”
Autor : Castillo, Arlana
Hiciano, Sara
Martínez, Danna
Delmonte, Jesús
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Torino: Politecnico di Torino
Citación : Castillo, A., Hiciano, S., Martínez, D. y Delmonte, J. (2021). Contribution to the CityLab Student Competition, Erasmus + Citylab CAR Project “Engaging students in sustainable Caribbean cities”. In T. Coppens (ed.), Proceedings of the conference Caribbean Education for Sustainable Urban Development : online international conference, 1st-2nd October 2020 (pp. 79-80). Torino: Politecnico di Torino. Recuperado de:
Resumen : The contributions to the online Citylab conference 'Caribbean Education for Sustainable Urban Development' held on October 1-2 2020 are collected in this Ebook. You'll discover information about all the developed Citylab courses, the student projects, the keynote speakers, and the results of the national workshops on the implementation of Problem Based Learning in higher education in different partner countries. This conference was the final event of the project 'Citylab CAR: Engaging students in Sustainable Caribbean Cities' (2018-2021), funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. ---- Nota: en esta acta se incluyen los reportes de proyectos de estudiantes de dos universidades dominicanas: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) y Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). De UNIBE, el proyecto de los estudiantes Arlana Castillo, Sara Hiciano, Danna Martínez, Jesús Delmonte, con la distinción «Winner Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals», pp. 79-80).
URI : https://repositorio.unibe.edu.do/jspui/handle/123456789/2191
ISBN : 978-88-85745-52-0
Aparece en las colecciones: Ponencias en congresos - Escuela de Arquitectura

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